00652: Add capability to display error message when an include fails

Summary: Add capability to display error message when an include fails
Created: 2006-01-27 16:27
Status: closed
Category: Feature
From: GNUZoo
Priority: 555444 3333
Version: 2.1 beta 20
OS: apache/4.3.9

THIS IS FIXED - See section "Displaying Error Messages" on pmwiki page IncludeOtherPages

Description: Add capability to display error message when an include fails.

Some error message like:

   Include failure:  "(:include PageName:)" 
   check to see if the page exists and that you
   have the proper access/password to it.

Admins could turn this on in the local/config.php file.

# set $DisplayIncludeErrors to 'on' if you want
# an error message displayed when an include fails
# default value is "off"

A writer would benefit from knowing that an include is failing and would have great difficulty diagnosing this without an error message. This makes it easier for a writer to maintain a more robust web page in accordance to PmWiki philosophy # 4. Support collaborative maintenance of public web pages, and # 5. Be easy to install, configure, and maintain.



I see some value in being able to do this for my pmwiki-based desktop application that writes contracts for clients. I use and a missing page could be a missing section of my contract, which could be very very bad. Even though I read every contract before it ships, I might not notice a missing section. While I don't have any other personal sites where it would be so vital, when it is needed, it's probably very important. XES June 17, 2007, at 09:56 AM

Or perhaps allow (:include PageName errormsg="some message or PTV" :) Simon

An error message is somewhat surprising to a reader, but less misleading than silence with no indication that something should be there. Note to self: until this is working, write pages so it is obvious if an include isn't included. Fancy coloured icing on the cake: email somebody (who?) if this error is triggered.

Something like this can be achieved now via (:include PageName Site.IncludeFailed :) where the Site.IncludeFailed page contains the error message. --Petko August 25, 2009, at 12:22 AM

A "failed include" is not clearly defined. It could be

  • no such page(s)
  • page exists, but empty
  • page exists, but no such section
  • page and section exist, but section empty
  • page exists, but no such line/para number (like para=10.. but only 5 paragraphs)
  • page exists, but visitor has no read permissions

So, which one should trigger the error message? --Petko August 25, 2009, at 12:43 AM

I think ALL the above error conditions belong in the error message. Perhaps you could have an option for a short/long error message. Short would just say 'include error', Long would give all the details. You might also have an option to make an empty page/section be or not be an error. There might be cases where an empty section would be OK and others where it might not be.

Instead of making this a config setting maybe it could be inside the include directive as a parameter. Like adding

(:include PageName errcheck=on errdetail=long errempty=true :)

--GNUZoo August 29, 2009