List of skins for Test.SkinTestAssortment
- 2016
- A Bit Modern
- Academian
- Adapt
- Alalike
- Amber
- Barthelme
- Beeblebrox Net Gila
- B Freedom
- Bitter Lemon
- Blix
- Blog
- Blue Berry
- Blue Fur
- Bluehead
- Blues
- Boira
- Bonny
- Bs-001
- Bs-002
- Choice
- Cinnamon
- Classic
- Clean Simple
- Colorimetry
- Default Skin Without Table
- Drop Down
- Drop Shadow
- Enlighten
- Equilibrium
- Evolver
- Fix Flow
- Flckr
- Flexi
- Gemini
- Glossy Hue
- Grayness
- Grease
- Green
- IPM Wiki
- JH
- Kaylen
- Lean
- Leaves
- Lens
- Light
- Lines
- Lt 9602
- Maguila
- Marathon
- Marble
- Marinee
- Minimous
- Mobile
- Monobook
- Mouse
- Mouse Skin
- Neat
- Netstreams
- Neutral
- News Paper
- Night
- Not 2 Simple
- Notebook
- Notebook-NT
- Notebook 2
- Not So Simple
- Papyrus
- Parchment
- Photo Gallery
- Php Net
- Plain
- Plain Blog
- Pm Wiki-Divs
- Pmwiki-dt
- Pm Wiki-responsive
- Pm Wiki 2 Bars
- Pukka Float
- Recurve
- Red Berry
- Rose Trellis
- Rounded
- Royale
- Schlaefer Two
- Simpla
- Simple
- Simple Tab
- Simply Impact
- Sinorca
- Skidoo
- Skin Test
- Skin Tests
- Skittlish
- Soma
- Something Corporate
- Ssofb Joomla Rhuk
- Steamport
- Steamport-Group Bar
- Steamport-Splash Bar
- Stripped
- Technobabble
- Test Page Directives
- Text Pattern
- Textpattern 4
- Triad
- Trish
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Useless Tuesday
- Vanilla 5
- Vector
- Wiki Love
- Yaml 132
- YAML Forth
Skin Selector (edit)
Choose the skin to try from the list on the right, or reset to the PmWiki skin:
Note: This list only includes skins that are installed on pmwiki.org. To see the skins that are missing from this list, install them on your local copy of PmWiki.