
This is testing the new PData capability, and the {$:var} markup.

First, some data that we can look at:

Field1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Field2: Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.
Field3: Nisi ut aliquip.

To grab the value of a field from the current page, use {$:Field1}:

  Field1 = {$:Field1}
  Field2 = {$:Field2}
  Field3 = {$:Field3}
  Field1 = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. 
  Field2 = Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.
  Field3 = Nisi ut aliquip.

To grab the value of a field from another page, use {pagename$:Field1} (here the data is coming from TestData):

  alpha beta charlie
  delta echo foxtrot

Some other examples, grabbing Summary lines from Cookbook and PITS pages:

  Placeholder for 2.1 features
  Insert random quotes or markup into a page

The data can also come from definition lists (currently definitions have to be a single word):


{$:apple} {$:banana} {$:cherry}

green yellow red

The {$:var} markup can also be used in page templates:

* [[{=$Group}/{=$Name}]]: {=$:Summary}
(:pagelist fmt=#summary group=Cookbook "Summary:" count=10:)
(:pagelist fmt=#summary group=PITS "Summary:" count=10 order=-time:)
  • 01469: Extend ConditionalMarkup? with "less" and "greater" operators
  • 01516: Planned Version 2.4.0
  • 01302: Link to group incorrectly directed to page PmWiki/group
  • 01515: Add newlines in header links
  • 01375: support simultaneous edits/merging in windows
  • 01324: PITS puts the wrong Author name in the From field when the Author name changes
  • 01270: PmWiki spell checker recipe does not work on PmWiki site
  • 01337: PmForm parses page text variables differently from PmWiki
  • 01272: Locale letters not recognized by page text variables.
  • 01307: Uploads from Opera Mobile fail

(:if equal {<$Group}:)
>>lframe width=300px<<
(:if:)[[{=$Name}]] - {=$:Thumbnail}
(:if equal {>$Group}:)
(:pagelist fmt=#showthumbs2 group=Test name=EasyGalleryPic* "Thumbnail:" :)

Here is a quick test to see how well the {$:var} markup works with with images and in page templates:

(:if equal {<$Group}:)
>>lframe width=300px<<
(:if equal {>$Group}:)

(:pagelist fmt=#showthumbs group=Test name=EasyGalleryPic* "Thumbnail:" :)

Note: This wasn't working. Why?

  • I checked and confirmed that the appropriate pages were being picked up by the pagelist (by leaving links in the template, which I have since removed).
  • I checked and confirmed that the use of images wasn't the problem (by changing substituting text for the thumbnail on one of the pages, which I have since restored)
  • I checked and confirmed that the pages where the definitional markup resides do not need to be enabled (by grabbing a single thumbnail, as shown below)



Pico September 07, 2006, at 09:10 AM

Is this an upcoming feature or test of some already available recipe?
VKrishn August 30, 2006, at 11:27 AM

It's experimentation, based on things in PITS, the Cookbook, and a discussion on the pmwiki-users mailing list. A good place to start looking at the thread might be http://www.pmichaud.com/pipermail/pmwiki-users/2006-August/031461.html (although it actually begins before that, this message is the one where the {$:var} markup is first introduced). Pm August 30, 2006, at 12:22 PM

I am not sure if there is any PITS entry for this. Please count my vote for this feature. VKrishn September 03, 2006, at 02:37 AM

Will there be a way to escape the colon to allow it to be treated literally as part of the defined value? For example, if I use it for defining titles of works, what happens if the title contains a colon, for example:

Artist: Roy Buchanan Album: Sweet Dreams : The Anthology

Workarounds would presumably include using the ascii code (%3A), or substituting a different character (-), but it might be nice to provide a more intuitive solution. What about allowing optional quotation marks, for example:

Artist: Roy Buchanan Album: "Sweet Dreams : The Anthology"

Pico September 07, 2006, at 09:10 AM

Only the first colon matters; the rest is left alone. For example:

Example: This example contains a colon:  Look, it works!

The value of example is "{$:Example}".

Example: This example contains a colon: Look, it works!

The value of example is "This example contains a colon: Look, it works!".


Some oddness with "directive" values

MyField1?:the first value

a DL value
  1. the first value
  2. a DL value
  3. a "directive" value
  4. And Foo is another "directive" value

Kathryn Andersen September 26, 2006, at 02:32 AM

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110: 01.17 01.04 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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118: 01.18 01.04 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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143: 01.22 01.08 MarkupToHTML end
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145: 01.22 01.08 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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