01334: put spaces in the shown titles/links of pages, when they are in lists, or whatever...

Summary: put spaces in the shown titles/links of pages, when they are in lists, or whatever...
Created: 2014-01-31 08:01
Status: Closed, replied
Category: Feature
From: nikos?

Description: I propose that, when the names of pages are shown
(like... when the pages are listed in a category's page,
or in an all recent changes page, or in rss feeds,
or in any other occasion),
then there should be "normal" spaces in the names.

So in a page, like Categories.Movies,
the links to the included pages Rambo1?, Rambo2?, RamboIII?, would look like...

 Rambo 1?
 Rambo 2?
 Rambo III?

or, at least...

 Rambo 1?
 Rambo 2?
 Rambo I I I?

This would affect how they are shown, not the actual names/paths of the web pages.
The purpose of this is, of course, to make these lists more "human readable". nikos? January 31, 2014, at 08:09 AM

Just edit your page [[Category.GroupFooter]] and insert fmt=#titlespaced inside the (:pagelist...:) definition. See PmWiki.PageLists. --Petko January 31, 2014, at 11:24 AM

Thanks... It seems that I had completely missed your reply ( oops...). So this is possible, at least in the "Categories" pages...
nikos? November 17, 2014, at 11:39 PM

You might also look at the recipes for controlling the format of the markup left on Recent Changes (e.g. Cookbook:CustomRecentChanges) and the output generated for RSS feeds (e.g. Cookbook/EnhancedWebFeeds). -- RandyB November 18, 2014, at 07:47 AM