01249: The "Basic Editing" and "Documentation" page are not available

Summary: The "Basic Editing" and "Documentation" page are not available
Created: 2011-03-28 14:33
Status: Closed - replied
Category: Other
Priority: 1
Version: > 2 or 2.2 (not sure)
OS: 4.4.9

Description: I was working on Easy PHP for building up my web site. Then I decided to transfer all the files on the real server and there is something that looks odd.

The "Basic Editing" and "Documentation" page cannot be found by Pmwiki, so he thinks it is a new page and ask me to edit it.

I have checked the wikilib.d directory and everything seems to be there.

I have 2 other sites that runs well with PMwiki on the same server. So I tried comparing configuration, file and directory rights, and everything seems to be the same.

I have really no clue of what could create this bug. You can find the site here:

[(approve links) edit diff]

If you look at the bottom of the page, "Basic Editing" and "Documentation" has a question mark.

I am using the "BlueBerry" skin.

Your links have a typo in your footer: edit the page [(approve links) edit diff] and change "Pmwiki" to "PmWiki" (uppercase "W"). --Petko March 28, 2011, at 03:36 PM

Oh! this is why it worked on Windows, it's not case sensitive. Thank You. March 29th, 2011