01130: Pagelist evaluation crash on large lists

Summary: Pagelist evaluation crash on large lists
Created: 2009-08-03 22:29
Status: Closed. No bug. Replied
Category: Bug
From: Syv?
Priority: 4
Version: 2.2.4
OS: Linux Centos 4.7/Apache 2/php 4.3.9

Description: My Site.LocalTemplates has:


>>lrindent round frame<<  
(:include {=$FullName} self=0 lines=4:)

%right% [[{=$FullName} | {=$Titlespaced}: click here to read more...]]



{=$Titlespaced}: click here to read more...?

The lrindent, round and frame come from wikistyleplus.

The pagelist in the Category.GroupFooter for the categories is:

(:pagelist link={*$FullName} fmt=#fotonews:)

Pagelist evaluation crash on large lists

  • 01515 . . . by VKrishn: Add newlines in header links (+485)
  • 01375 . . . by Petko: Closed, fixed in 2016 (+3)
  • 01324 . . . by Petko: (+311)
  • 01270 . . . by Petko: Closed, declined (+414)

Recent Changes: click here to

and it works properly for about 45 to 50 articles, after that I get:

Lightroom.Shortcut-keys-for-metadata-keywords self=0 lines=4 


Lightroom: Shortcut Keys For Metadata & Keywords: click here to read more... 


Lightroom.Shortcut-keys-for-metadata-keywords self=0 lines=4

Lightroom: Shortcut Keys For Metadata & Keywords: click here to read more...

and so on until the end of the list, but the links "page name + click here to read more..." are correct. At first I though that it was related to the skin skittlish, but the same happens with the PmWiki skin.

The same thing also happens with PmWiki's own teasers. I have counted, it occurs on page #49 with Teasers.


HansB August 04, 2009, at 03:39 PM: By default Pmwiki allows only maximum 50 page includes. Your template uses the (:include .... :) markup, so you should set the maximum higher in config.php, for instance

$MaxIncludes = 200;

Reference: LayoutVariables#MaxIncludes