01091: Pagelist default does not handle variable in trail

Summary: Pagelist default does not handle variable in trail
Created: 2009-04-22 04:02
Status: Closed - duplicate of 00986
Category: Bug
From: simon
Priority: 2
Version: 2.2.1
OS: n/a

Description: Pagelist defaults does not handle a trail containing a variable, viz

Does not work
(:template defaults trail={$Group}.RecentChanges:)
(:template first:)
||!Page ||! Time||!By ||!Change ||
(:template each:)
||''[[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}.{=$Namespaced}]]'' || [[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]]||[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] ||{=$LastModifiedSummary} ||

(:pagelist fmt=#recentlychanged count=4:)

(:template defaults trail=PITS.RecentChanges:) (:template first:)


(:template each:)



(:pagelist fmt=#recentlychanged count=4 trail={$Group}.RecentChanges:)

(:template defaults trail=PITS.RecentChanges:)
(:template first:)
||!Page ||! Time||!By ||!Change ||
(:template each:)
||''[[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}.{=$Namespaced}]]'' || [[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]]||[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] ||{=$LastModifiedSummary} ||

(:pagelist fmt=#recentlychanged2 count=4:)

(:template defaults trail=PITS.RecentChanges:) (:template first:)


(:template each:)


This entry is similar PITS:00986 (PageVariables substitution in pagelist's (:template defaults:) ). See also the comments from Pm there. --Petko May 08, 2009, at 12:06 AM