00698: Freemind support in PmWiki ?
See Cookbook:FreeMind for an implementation.
Description: Is it possible to get Freemind support in PmWiki like Wikka does? I think Freemind is kind of useful program for many other thigs too besides mindmapping. This is the homepage of Freemind: http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page And here you can see how it looks in Wikka: http://wikkawiki.org/FreeMind
I'll give my great thanks to PmWiki somewhere else, lived with it about four months now. Sorry for my english: I live in Finland. Here's my homepage (not ready, working on it) using flexi skin: http://taavi.org/taavistus/ Yes, it's in finnish!!! I'm doing translation work to get PmWiki in finnish.
Thanks, Taavi
I have a possible solution which will not enable you to edit mind maps online, but will enable you to view them in a frame inside pmwiki. you can do the following:
- download and install Cookbook.IncludeUrl
- save your mind map on your server. put it in its own directory with all the files of the freemind flash browser, and setup the link in the html file
- add to a page (:includeurl myfolder/mypage.html :)
IWFM (It Worked For Me)...
27-Feb-2007 Avi
the freemind flash browser can be found here: http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Flash_browser
How wiki with mindmap looks like, is shown here: [(approve links) edit diff] The structure is analyzed creating a node for each headline and a leaf for each link in a paragraph.
All that needs to be done for navigating through wiki by mindmap, is to write a script, that analyzes the wiki-file and returns a .mm-like xml-file (plus a file for embedding the freemind flash browser, accepting and passing the parameters to the above file for parsing/generation). A similar thing has been done with pmwiki for MindjetMap or with mediawiki for freemind http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Embedded_Mind_Maps
27-July-2007 Manuel Schaffner
For text only import (bullet list style) I edited Freemind's mm2twiki.xsl to export (simple) PmWiki markup.
- The title of the map becomes
(:title Name of map :)
, - First level of nodes become heading 1
! Topic in first level
- From second level on
- and deeper nodes become
- asterisks (*)
- where bullet lists with option 1, option 2, option 3, become comma separated.
- and deeper nodes become
- From second level on
Until now it supports normal text, hyperlinks?, bold, emphasized and coded
text. Bullet lists become comma separated. Paragraphs, images and icons are still ignored.
Known issue(s):
- When printing such an imported mind map with more than 5 levels (1 header and more than 4 asterisks for the bullet list) from PmWiki via Wikipublisher to PDF a LaTeX error occours: ("! LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested.").
Download: http://pragm.ath.cx/twwiki/twwiki/uploads/MTM/mm2pmwiki.xsl (v 0.0.1)
In Freemind export the mindmap via XSLT with mm2pmwiki.xsl.
08-Aug-2011 Vittorio