
Testing the functionality of page text variables, especially leading and trailing spaces, and construction of variable names

Page text variable name with one leading space:
 Insect: Weta
: Bird: Kiwi
(: Tree: Kauri:)

 Insect: Weta

"Weta" "Kiwi" "Kauri"

works incorrectly
Page text variable name with one trailing space:
Flower : Kowhai
:Fish : Eel
(:River : Waikato:)


Flower : Kowhai


"Kowhai" "Eel" "Waikato"

works incorrectly
Page text variable name with one embedded space:
Flower pot: Ceramic
:Fish part: Fin
(:River run: Long:)

"{$:Flower pot}"
"{$:Fish part}"
"{$:River run}"

Flower pot: Ceramic

Fish part

(:River run: Long:)

"{$:Flower pot}" "{$:Fish part}" "{$:River run}"

works ok
Numerals in names:
1Way: one way
:2Way: two 
(:3Way: three:)
Way4: four
:Way5: five
(:Way6: six:)


1Way: one way


Way4: four


"one way" "two " "three" "four" "five" "six"

works ok
Non Ascii names:
Schrödinger: Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander
:Röntgen: Wilhelm Conrad 
(:Dalén: Nils Gustaf:)


Schrödinger: Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander

Wilhelm Conrad

(:Dalén: Nils Gustaf:)

"{$:Schrödinger}" "{$:Röntgen}" "{$:Dalén}"

works ok
Recursive page text variable:
Tip*tree:{$:Shel*don} %red% - don't try this, see [[PITS.00915]]





Tip*tree:{$:Shel*don} - don't try this, see PITS.00915


"" "" "" "" ""

works ok
Page text variable name with link:
[[{$FullName}|Scientist]]: Rutherford
:[[{$FullName}|Climber]]: Hillary


Scientist: Rutherford


"" ""

works ok
Page text variable in tables or markup:
||Naturalist: ||Charles Darwin ||
||Zoologist: Alfred Russel Wallace ||

[-Botanist:-] Gregor Mendel

EvolutionaryBiologist: Stephen Jay Gould

PtvTemplate: PTVWithPageList
Naturalist:Charles Darwin
Zoologist: Alfred Russel Wallace

"" ""

Botanist: Gregor Mendel ""

EvolutionaryBiologist?: Stephen Jay Gould "Stephen Jay Gould"

PtvTemplate: PTVWithPageList "PTVWithPageList"

works as expected, markup defeats PTVs, note odd behaviour with Wiki Links
Formatting breaks page text variables
Arthur:C Clarke
-< Isaac: Asimov
-> Robert: Heinlein
* Larry: Niven 
# Poul: Anderson
%red%John: Christopher
:Cordwainer: Smith
''James: Blish
 Hal: Clement

-< {$:Arthur}
-< {$:Isaac}
-< {$:Robert}
-< {$:Larry}
-< {$:Poul}
-< {$:John}
-< {$:Cordwainer}
-< {$:James}
-< {$:Hal}

Arthur:C Clarke

Isaac: Asimov
Robert: Heinlein
  • Larry: Niven
  1. Poul: Anderson

John: Christopher


''James: Blish

 Hal: Clement
C Clarke
Using character codes



Attach:Test.Ptv/bushtrack.jpg Δ

why do character entities not work in Attach?
(:thisyear:{(ftime fmt=%Y when=tomorrow)}:)
(:winter:date {$:thisyear}-06-01..{$:thisyear}-11-14:)
(:summer:! {$:winter}:)

* thisyear - {$:thisyear} 
* summer - {$:summer} 
* winter - {$:winter}

(:if {$:summer}:) (:comment this section displays in summer:)
its summer
(:if {$:winter}:) (:comment this section displays in winter:)
its winter

  • thisyear - 2025
  • summer - ! date 2025-06-01..2025-11-14
  • winter - date 2025-06-01..2025-11-14

its summer

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42: 00.27 00.25 PageListSort sort
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58: 00.33 00.31 MarkupToHTML end
59: 00.33 00.31 MarkupToHTML begin
60: 00.33 00.31 MarkupToHTML end
61: 00.33 00.31 now
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