01286: Define images alt and titles separately

Summary: Define images alt and titles separately
Created: 2012-04-29 07:33
Status: Open
Category: Feature
From: Franck S?
Priority: 3
Version: 2.2.36
OS: Irrelevant

Description: It appears currently impossible to define the "alt" and "title" attributes of an image using PmWiki markup.

The current syntax works like this:

Attach:image.jpg"Alt text" | Caption

Where "Alt text" is erroneously used for both the "title" and "alt" attributes of the image. This is especially jarring if one wants to use cookbook recipes such as Galleria, which uses both the "title" and "alt" attributes to create an image gallery.

The issue has already been mentionned here: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/00657

The following syntax cas then proposed:

Attach:image.jpg"Alt text" | Caption | Title text

However, although the issue is considered " Closed - added for 2.2.14", this syntax doesn't seem to work in the current version of PmWiki.

Did I miss something? Is there a simple way to define the "title" and "alt" attributes of an image separately? If there isn't, is there a simple way to implement it?

Best regards,

Franck S.