00836: @_site_edit not handled in GroupAttributes?action=attr pages

Summary: @_site_edit not handled in GroupAttributes?action=attr pages
Created: 2006-11-23 09:21
Status: Closed for 2.2.3
Category: Bug
From: Dfaure
Priority: 55544443
Version: 2.?
OS: n/a


This as already been reported there, without any solutions provided: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wiki.pmwiki.user/33568/ PM suggested he might be willing to make this change, here: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wiki.pmwiki.user/28407/

Having a site-wide edit password defined in config.php:

$DefaultPasswords['edit'] = crypt('foo');

A single PublicGroup.MyPrivatePage can be read-protected with the site-wide edit password (using '@_site_edit' as the page's read password attribute), but this does not work when applied to a whole group through the MyPrivateGroup.GroupAttributes's read password.