00757: Escape sequence for block quotes (non-preformatted)

Summary: Escape sequence for block quotes (non-preformatted)
Created: 2006-06-13 10:19
Status: Open
Category: Feature
From: Henning
Priority: 3
Version: 2.1.9
OS: Windows XP/Apache 2

Description: See also: 00773

The current [@ ... @] blockquote markup

  1. uses a monotype font
  2. suppresses automatic line breaking
  3. observes all linebreaks in the original text
  4. suppresses markup interpretation

That's good for code, but not good for copied & pasted bits of normal text.

I'd like to suggest the addition of an extra escape sequence that

  1. uses the standard font
  2. allows the browser to automatically add linebreaks in the standard way
  3. observes all linebreaks in the original text
  4. suppresses markup interpretation

Currently, pasted text usually requires some re-formatting so that it looks as desired, and that tends to confuse naive authors.

The (:linebreaks:) directive works almost as desired but does not suppress markup interpretation. --Henning June 13, 2006, at 10:26 AM

(I have moved Pico's idea for a more powerful, universal escape sequence to the separate PITS 00773 because its greater scope seemed to justify that. The basic philosophy of both PITS is the same, though! --Henning July 05, 2006, at 11:35 AM)

Possibly the >>pre<< markup achieves this simon