00708: Missing $FarmPubD variable leads to "Unable to find skin" error.

Summary: Missing $FarmPubD variable leads to "Unable to find skin" error.
Created: 2006-03-20 20:30
Status: Closed - now fixed in 2.1.16
Category: Bug
From: HaganFox
Priority: 4
Version: 2.1.3
OS: Various

Description: You cannot re-define the filesystem location of a farm's pub/ directory when you redefine its URL ($FarmPubDirUrl). The farm's pub/ directory appears to be hard-wired to the base installation location, which confounds installing PmWiki outside the web document tree. If you do so, the following error results:

PmWiki can't process your request
?unable to find skin from list pmwiki
We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Here's a patch that adds the capability to set a $FarmPubD in the farm's local/farmconfig.php:

*** skins-old.php       2006-03-20 15:38:19.000000000 -0700
--- skins-new.php       2006-03-20 15:35:48.000000000 -0700
*** 40,52 ****
  # the $skin array.
  function SetSkin($pagename, $skin) {
    global $Skin, $SkinDir, $SkinDirUrl, $IsTemplateLoaded, $PubDirUrl,
!     $FarmPubDirUrl, $FarmD;
    foreach((array)$skin as $s) {
      $sd = FmtPageName("./pub/skins/$s", $pagename);
      if (is_dir($sd))
        { $Skin=$s; $SkinDirUrl="$PubDirUrl/skins/$Skin"; break; }
!     $sd = FmtPageName("$FarmD/pub/skins/$s", $pagename);
      if (is_dir($sd))
        { $Skin=$s; $SkinDirUrl="$FarmPubDirUrl/skins/$Skin"; break; }
--- 40,53 ----
  # the $skin array.
  function SetSkin($pagename, $skin) {
    global $Skin, $SkinDir, $SkinDirUrl, $IsTemplateLoaded, $PubDirUrl,
!     $FarmPubDirUrl, $FarmD, $FarmPubD;
+   SDV($FarmPubD, "$FarmD/pub");
    foreach((array)$skin as $s) {
      $sd = FmtPageName("./pub/skins/$s", $pagename);
      if (is_dir($sd))
        { $Skin=$s; $SkinDirUrl="$PubDirUrl/skins/$Skin"; break; }
!     $sd = FmtPageName("$FarmPubD/skins/$s", $pagename);
      if (is_dir($sd))
        { $Skin=$s; $SkinDirUrl="$FarmPubDirUrl/skins/$Skin"; break; }

I chose to go about this in a different way, by introducing a $SkinLibDirs array that identifies all of the skin locations and their corresponding urls. This makes it possible to completely control the search space for skins.

Thus, there's not a $FarmPubD variable built-in, but one can use one in order to make things work. For example, supposing that the farm's pub directory location is indeed in $FarmPubD, then a config file may set:

    $SkinLibDirs = array(
      './pub/skins/$Skin'     => '$PubDirUrl/skins/$Skin',
      '$FarmPubD/skins/$Skin' => '$FarmPubDirUrl/skins/$Skin');

which says to look in the local pub/skins/ directory followed by the $FarmPubD/skins/$Skin directory.

Of course, this can also be used to tell the skin code to only look in a farm directory, or to extend the number of places to look for skins.

