00614: Date rendering problem, associated with wikilog.php

Summary: Date rendering problem, associated with wikilog.php
Created: 2005-12-04 23:02
Status: Open
Category: Bug
From: Profiles
Version: 2.1beta5
OS: Solaris/Apache/4.2.3

Description: When I add the wikilog.php module to my PmWiki, it mangles date strings in my existing content; ie if I have 2005-11-20 in the main text, not within any special formatting. This may also be causing problems with calendar display. http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/WikiCalendar

If I turn off wikilog.php again, the text reverts to normal.

This is probably a bug in wikilog, but I thought it should get reported here in case it's something in pmwiki.

Here are some tests demonstrating the problem, with 2.1beta5 and wikilog.php 0.3.37.

  input         renders as
  2005 11 20    2005 11 20
  2005/11/20    , 20 2005
  2005-11-20    , 20 2005
  2005.11.20    , 20 2005
  20 11 2005    20 11 2005
  20/11/2005    20/11/2005
  20-11-2005    20-11-2005
  20.11.2005    20.11.2005