00518: In version 2, monospace text does not wrap

Summary: In version 2, monospace text does not wrap
Created: 2005-09-13 15:18
Status: Closed - fixed in 2.1.0
Category: Bug
From: Ken?
Priority: 4
Version: 2.0.5

Description: In PmWiki version 1, mono-spaced text (text marked with @@) would wrap; unfortunately in version 2 it does not and converted pages can now suddenly be very wide require a lot of horizontal scrolling.

Can you provide an example here on pmwiki.org, or provide a url that demonstrates the problem?



this is a very long monospaced line. this is a very long monospaced line this is a very long monospaced line this is a very long monospaced line this is a very long monospaced line this is a very long monospaced line this is a very long monospaced line

Gary Levin? March 02, 2006, at 01:19 PM This seems to be related to a problem I found with WordWrapPreformattedText?.

This recipe is not working on "pmwiki-2.1.beta20". DisableMarkup does not prevent the formatting. And the pattern in the Markup does not match. It is easy to see by making the replacement string not a legal expression, which will result in an error if the replacement is attempted and no error shows up. It appears that the start of line anchor (^) is the problem.