00160: links in sidebar disapear when page contains nowikiwords-directive

Summary: links in sidebar disapear when page contains nowikiwords-directive
Created: 2004-11-14 10:57
Status: Closed - not a bug
Category: Bug
From: KAL
Priority: 2
Version: v2

Description: when selecting the page http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki2/pmwiki.php/Cookbook/SearchResults some links in the sidebar disapear. I think its because of (:nolinkwikiwords:) on that page. The question is, if it's good to switch off the sidebar-links as well. (bug or feature ?)


The sidebar (and other included pages) always honor the directives that come before it, including from previous pages. Better is to not rely on WikiWord links in the sidebar (i.e., use [[...]]), or you can explicitly re-enable WikiWords in the sidebar by using (:linkwikiwords:). -- Pm