01007: Draft edits to be combined to one atomic edit

Summary: Draft edits to be combined to one atomic edit
Created: 2008-02-02 08:54
Status: Closed, added for 2.2.55
Category: Feature
From: Gustav
Priority: 3
Version: 2.2

Description: I have authors who, when they make a change to a page, don't make all the changes and saves it in one go but rather make lots of small changes with multiple saves. This means it becomes hard to see what has happened to a particular page in the Page History as the logical change has been chopped up in many small ones.

I activated Drafts hoping that all the changes done to a Draft page would be collated and entered into the page as one atomic action when they Publish. Unfortunately,the resulting page history is even stranger. Here is an example.

Page 'WikiSandbox' has the following content

Feel free to use this page to experiment with the Text Formatting Rules.

I edit it and replace the content for the one line below, then press 'Save Draft and Edit'

Edit 1

I add another line, then press Publish

Edit 2

When now looking at the Page History, I get this:

January 28, 2008, at 12:04 AM by Gustav -
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Feel free to use this page to experiment with the Text Formatting Rules.


Edit 1

Edit 2

January 28, 2008, at 12:03 AM by Gustav -
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Feel free to use this page to experiment with the Text Formatting Rules.


Edit 1

Now this page history to me is false. It should be one of the following two options:

1) Two edits, the first replacing the old content for 'Edit 1' and the second adding 'Edit 2'.

2) Much better, in my opinion, would be to see one single edit, replacing the content for both Edit 1 and Edit 2.

I have one 'hacky' solution which would be that the saves done for the Drafts are automatically made as 'minor' changes. The Publish would be a normal change. Then, if you hide the minor changes, you would only see the very first change, which is from the old content before draft edits to the new state of the page including all changes done as drafts.

The broken history was fixed in 2.2.54, and the variable $EnableDraftAtomicDiff was added for version 2.2.55. --Petko September 08, 2013, at 12:32 PM