01218: Add tags to pages -- alternate method of organizing pages

Summary: Add tags to pages -- alternate method of organizing pages
Created: 2010-08-24 02:58
Status: Closed - cookbook recipes exist
Category: Cookbook
From: tamouse
Priority: 4

Description: I'd like the ability to add tags to pages to further categorize them in a parallel structure to the current Category system. It would be great if a tag cloud could be generated to go into the side bar, too. While I understand this may take a bit of processing, It really shouldn't be too much harder than the current Category system, if a sufficiently robust tag markup can be found. Not sure if something would have to be changed in pagelist or if a new directive should be made for markup to generate a list of pages with the given tag. Anyway, this would be very very cool.

Does Tagger or Tags do what you want?

Yeah! Tags works perfectly. Too bad it wasn't listed in the Tag category... tamouse August 24, 2010, at 10:06 AM