00078: The HTML title of all my pages is "... $HTMLTitle"

Summary: The HTML title of all my pages is "... $HTMLTitle"
Created: 2004-10-07 13:37
Status: Closed - fixed in 2.0.devel13
Category: Bug
From: noe
Priority: 4
Version: 2 devel 11
OS: unix php5

Description: The HTML title of all my pages is "WikiGalou $HTMLTitle"

I have the following config.php : <?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
$WikiTitle = 'WikiGalou'; $DefaultGroup = 'PmWikiFr';
$DefaultTitle = 'PmWikiFr'; XLPage('fr','PmWikiFr.XLPage');
$AuthorGroup = 'PmWikiFr'; $DefaultTitle='AccueilGalou';

My wiki is hosted by the french provider free.

This is a known bug; it's also related to PITS:00019 and a number of other items. A fix is forthcoming. --Pm