
Test PmSyntax highlighting
See $EnableHighlight (Not to be confused with $EnablePmSyntax) and WikiStyles#highlight.

%hlt html%[@<div>Testing <strong>strong</strong>. </div>@]

%hlt html%@@<div>Testing <strong>strong</strong>. </div>@@

%hlt html%[=<div>Testing <strong>strong</strong>. </div>=] ''This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.''

%hlt html%@@[=<div>Testing <strong>strong</strong>. </div>=]@@

<div>Testing <strong>strong</strong>. </div>

<div>Testing <strong>strong</strong>. </div>

<div>Testing <strong>strong</strong>. </div> This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.

<div>Testing <strong>strong</strong>. </div>

%hlt php%[@ $EnablePmSyntax = 1; // or 2, see below @]

%hlt php%@@ $EnablePmSyntax = 1; // or 2, see below @@

%hlt php%[= $EnablePmSyntax = 1; // or 2, see below =] ''This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.''

%hlt php%@@[= $EnablePmSyntax = 1; // or 2, see below =]@@

$EnablePmSyntax = 1; // or 2, see below

$EnablePmSyntax = 1; // or 2, see below

$EnablePmSyntax = 1; // or 2, see below This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.

$EnablePmSyntax = 1; // or 2, see below

PmWiki markup using "%hlt pmwiki%"

%hlt pmwiki%[@(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)@]

%hlt pmwiki%@@(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)@@ ''This is not escaped, inner HTML (bold around "strong") is converted to plain text.''

%hlt pmwiki%[=(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)=] ''This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.''

%hlt pmwiki%@@[=(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)=]@@

(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)

(:div:)Testing strong. (:div:) This is not escaped, inner HTML (bold around "strong") is converted to plain text.

(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:) This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.

(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)

* $FullName 
* {$FullName}
%hlt pmwiki%[@{$FullName}@]

%hlt pmwiki%@@{$FullName}@@ ''This is <code> but inside is the full name, not the variable.''

%hlt pmwiki%[={$FullName}=] ''This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.''

%hlt pmwiki%@@[={$FullName}=]@@


Test.PmSyntaxHighlighting This is <code> but inside is the full name, not the variable.

{$FullName} This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.


%hlt pmwiki%[@[[{$FullName}]]@]

%hlt pmwiki%@@[[{$FullName}]]@@ ''This is <code> but inner HTML (link) is converted to plain text.''

%hlt pmwiki%[=[[{$FullName}]]=] ''This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.''

%hlt pmwiki%@@[=[[{$FullName}]]=]@@


Test.PmSyntaxHighlighting This is <code> but inner HTML (link) is converted to plain text.

[[{$FullName}]] This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.


Using "%pmhlt%"

%pmhlt%[@(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)@]

%pmhlt%@@(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)@@

%pmhlt%[=(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)=] ''This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.''

%pmhlt%@@[=(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)=]@@

(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)

(:div:)Testing strong. (:div:)

(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:) This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.

(:div:)Testing '''strong'''. (:div:)


%pmhlt%@@{$FullName}@@ ''This is <code> but inside is the full name, not the variable.''

%pmhlt%[={$FullName}=] ''This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.''



Test.PmSyntaxHighlighting This is <code> but inside is the full name, not the variable.

{$FullName} This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.



%pmhlt%@@[[{$FullName}]]@@ ''This is <code> but inner HTML (link) is converted to plain text.''

%pmhlt%[=[[{$FullName}]]=] ''This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.''



Test.PmSyntaxHighlighting This is <code> but inner HTML (link) is converted to plain text.

[[{$FullName}]] This is rendered neither as <pre> nor as <code>, so ignored.


two different highlight on same line
-> %hlt html%[@<!--PageFooterFmt-->@]@@          @@%pmhlt%@@[=(:nofooter:)=]@@
-> %hlt html%[@<!--PageTitleFmt-->@]@@           @@%pmhlt%@@[=(:notitle:)=]@@
<!--PageFooterFmt--> (:nofooter:)
<!--PageTitleFmt--> (:notitle:)
can't see how to preserve spacing
-> %hlt html%[@<!--PageLeftFmt-->@]@@                @@%pmhlt%[@(:noleft:)@]
-> %hlt html%[@<!--PageLeftFmt-->                @]%pmhlt%[@(:noleft:)@]
-> @@%hlt html%[=<!--PageRightFmt-->=]               %pmhlt%[=(:noright:)=]@@
-> %hlt html%@@[=<!--PageFooterFmt-->=]              @@%pmhlt%@@[=(:nofooter:)=]@@
-> %hlt html%@@[=<!--PageTitleFmt-->=]               %pmhlt%[=(:notitle:)=]@@

||%hlt html%[@<!--PageLeftFmt-->@] ||%pmhlt%[@(:noleft:)@] ||
||%hlt html%[@<!--PageRightFmt-->@] ||%pmhlt%[@(:noright:)@] ||
<!--PageLeftFmt--> (:noleft:)
<!--PageLeftFmt--> (:noleft:)
<!--PageRightFmt--> (:noright:)
<!--PageFooterFmt--> (:nofooter:)
<!--PageTitleFmt--> (:notitle:)

It may be a good idea for (:markup:) to have a built-in way to display these kinds of things, and highlight them, without the need to use %hlt% and %pmhlt%. --Petko

Why do the links disappear?
>>hlt php<<
!!! Markup helper functions
  PSS($x)  - strip backslashes (added by the /e option to preg_replace) from $x. [[PmWiki/functions(#PSS)]]
  PVS($x)  - Convert \n\n sequences to <:vspace>
  PVSE($x) - Convert special characters to HTML entities (excluding quotes) and convert \n\n sequences to <:vspace>
  PZZ($x,$y='') - return a null string (used for its side effect of evaluating $x and $y)
  PRR($x=NULL)  - indicate that we need to restart markup processing

!!! Markup functions
  [[CondAuth]]($pagename, $condparm)
  [[CondExpr | CondExpr($pagename, $condname, $condparm)]]

Markup helper functions

  PSS($x)  - strip backslashes (added by the /e option to preg_replace) from $x. functions
  PVS($x)  - Convert \n\n sequences to <:vspace>
  PVSE($x) - Convert special characters to HTML entities (excluding quotes) and convert \n\n sequences to <:vspace>
  PZZ($x,$y='') - return a null string (used for its side effect of evaluating $x and $y)
  PRR($x=NULL)  - indicate that we need to restart markup processing

Markup functions

  CondAuth($pagename, $condparm)
  CondExpr($pagename, $condname, $condparm)?

The links disappear because the whole preformatted block is converted to plain text and sent to Highlight.js for colorization. PmSyntax only restores pre-existing varlinks like $EnableDiag. It may be better to wrap the individual code lines in @@...@@, something like this: --Petko

>>hlt php<<
!!! Markup helper functions
* @@PSS($x)@@  - strip backslashes (added by the /e option to preg_replace) from $x. [[PmWiki/functions(#PSS)]]
* @@PRR($x=NULL)@@  - indicate that we need to restart markup processing

!!! Markup functions
* @@CompareArgs($arg)@@
* @@CondAuth($pagename, $condparm)@@ - see [[CondAuth]]
* @@CondExpr($pagename, $condname, $condparm)@@

Markup helper functions

  • PSS($x) - strip backslashes (added by the /e option to preg_replace) from $x. functions
  • PRR($x=NULL) - indicate that we need to restart markup processing

Markup functions

 0: 00.00 00.00 config start
 1: 00.02 00.01 config end
 2: 00.21 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin
 3: 00.21 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin
 4: 00.22 00.21 MarkupToHTML end
 5: 00.22 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin
 6: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML end
 7: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML begin
 8: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML end
 9: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML begin
10: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML end
11: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML begin
12: 00.25 00.23 MarkupToHTML end
13: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
14: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
15: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
16: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
17: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
18: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
19: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
20: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
21: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
22: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
23: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML begin
24: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
25: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML begin
26: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
27: 00.27 00.26 MarkupToHTML end
28: 00.28 00.26 MarkupToHTML begin
29: 00.28 00.27 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls begin
30: 00.29 00.27 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls end
31: 00.29 00.28 MarkupToHTML end
32: 00.29 00.28 MarkupToHTML begin
33: 00.30 00.28 MarkupToHTML end
34: 00.30 00.29 now
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