Profiles /
I'm Karl Loncarek.
I have not much knowledge about PHP, but I still try to help the PmWiki project as I like it very much. See e.g. eProtect or WikiSmileys which I ported to PmWiki 2.
I also created some Skins. e.g.: Lines.
For more Information about me or my hobbies you can visit my homepage (only german language) here:
Currently I'm very heavy occipied in translating the documentation into german.
Pages I'm interested in:
- 00126 - expanded break page
- 00412 - Openoffice Macro or functions
- 00526 - relative URLs
- 00545 - compressed page store
- SectionEdit - written by me
- HorizontalVerticalMenu - written by me
- EasyGallery - started by me
- DropDown - skin created by me
- Lines - skin created by me
- Flexi - skin created by me
- AutomaticLinks - written by me