Category /
- Cookbook /
- BlogWithPageList How to build a blog system with pagelists
- CopyPasteCalendar Adds a calendar to your wiki pages without installing any additional scripts
- ExpandingMenus How to create a sidebar menu which expands to show sublevel (group) items using conditional markup only (Stable)
- InputDefault Demonstrates various ways to set the default values for form controls (in-core)
- LoginLogout How to log out after logging in (Q&A)
- MarkupOnlyBarCharts Adds editable bar charts to your wiki using only core PmWiki features
- MarkupTricks Markup tricks
- NewGroupWarning Display a warning when a user is creating a page in a non-existing wiki group.
- PageAction-IconPack Using SVG icons to replace text links in the Page Action menu (1.0)
- PagelistAuthListShort Display, in brief format, the permissions settings for pages that have permissions set. (Mature)
- PagelistByCategory List pages by Category (Production)
- PagelistCalendar Use PageTextVariables and ftime markup expression to create a calendar where each event has its own page. (Works)
- PagelistRecentChanges A recent changes page created using Page lists (Mature)
- PagelistSiteMap Create a sitemap using the page list directive (Production)
- PagelistTemplateSamples Custom templates for pagelists formats
- PLEventList Manage event lists using native PmWiki features
- SimpleSiteMap Easy site map using only core PmWiki features (Stable)
- TemplateMarkupTricks Various ways of using templates to facilitate the creation of new pages (using standard PmWiki markup)
- WatchLists Track the most recent changes to a list of pages (Stable)