
A quick test to confirm how unapproved urls display

*[[http://www.jr.com/|Link Alias]]

While the first two items display the unapproved url, the third only displays the alias used in creating the link for the unapproved url: [[http://www.jr.com/|Link Alias]]

To be able to view the url that is hidden behind the alias used in creating the link, an administrator would need to edit the config.php file to set the $UnapprovedLinkFmt as shown in the documentation (UrlApprovals) (and quoted below).

If that were activated on this page, the resulting tool tip would display the exact same url text for each of the three items above: http://www.jr.com

From UrlApprovals:

To see what link is to be approved without editing the page a tool tip can be displayed when the cursor hovers over the (approve Links) link that displays the URL. e.g. [(approve links) edit diff]

Add the following setting in your local/config.php:

$UnapprovedLinkFmt =
  "\$LinkText<a class='apprlink' href='\$PageUrl?action=approvesites'
   title='\$LinkUrl'>$[(approve sites)]</a>";
 0: 00.00 00.00 config start
 1: 00.03 00.02 config end
 2: 00.65 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin
 3: 00.65 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin
 4: 00.68 00.22 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls begin
 5: 00.69 00.22 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls end
 6: 01.16 00.33 MarkupToHTML end
 7: 01.27 00.35 MarkupToHTML end
 8: 01.27 00.36 MarkupToHTML begin
 9: 01.31 00.37 MarkupToHTML end
10: 01.31 00.37 MarkupToHTML begin
11: 01.35 00.37 MarkupToHTML end
12: 01.35 00.38 now
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