Test /
SDVA($CustomSyntax, array( 'CHORDPRO,00' => '<ws0 =directive>comment>*meta_nobg>=meta_nobg>punct /(\|\|:)([\s\S]*?)(:\|\|)/g /^ *#.*$/gm /\{[a-z_]+:?\}/gi /(\{[a-z_]+:)(.+?)(\})/gi /\[[A-G][b#]?m?[769]?\]/g '));
I'm not sure if the "#comment" can only appear alone on a line (currently defined), or after other text on the same line.
This is fantastic thanks, I hadn't progressed in my understanding enough to appreciate the power of this. # comment apply to an entire line
The above is enabled on this page, test samples below. Note: only the $CustomSyntax
configuration is enabled here, not the full ChordPro recipe, hence (:markup class=norender:)
!!Long markup ||:{debug:on} {version} {Title: Title test example} {Subtitle: Subtitle} {Album: Album} {Key:F#m} :|| !!Long markup ||:{debug:on} {Capo: 3} Chords [Bb]and [C#]Lyrics [A]An example [D]of [G7]lyrics and tablature An example with no chords [G][F][E][Chords][Only] And another example with no chords, followed by an empty line {Comment: a comment} {Comment_italic: an italic comment} {Comment_box: a comment box} # comment line {start_of_chorus} [B]text of chorus more chorus text[Cm7] {end_of_chorus} {start_of_tab} D D D D D -------------2-----2----------------2-----2----------------2- -------------3-----3----------------3-----3----------------3- ----------o--2-----2-------------o--2-----2-------------o--2- ----2--4--------o----------2--4--------o----------2--4------- -o----------------------o----------------------o------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- {end_of_tab} :|| !!short markup ||:{d:on}{v} {T: Title test example} {St: Subtitle} {A: Album} :|| !!short markup ||:{d:on}{v} [A]An example [D]of [G]lyrics and tablature {C: a comment} {Ci: italic comment} {Cb: comment box} # comment line {soc} [B]chorus {eoc} {sot} Csus4 (x33011) Fmaj7 (132211) {eot} :|| !!test cases ||: {TITLE: First title} {SUBTITLE: First subtitle} Blank line follows[G] Blank line precedes[A] and follows {ci:Chorus} {soc} Two directives on one line {eoc} {c:two}comments{ci:on one line} # indented comment embedded directive {Title: Embedded title directive} {subtitle: Indented lowercase subtitle directive} {define: <chord_name> <position> <String6> .. <String1>} ['|] {unknown: directive} :|| !!pathological markup ||::|| ---- ||: :|| ---- ||: :|| ---- ||:test:|| ---- ||:test :|| ---- :||: :test:|| !!Test if ChordPro CustomSyntax impacts normal PmWiki markup # not a comment {comment: not a comment} {ChordPro: not a chordpro directive} Just normal [B]rackets |