
I am deleting the contents of this page as it sometimes shows up in search engines. If you would like to test a large page again, please look at the history of this page and restore it temporarily.

The original page is here: (Currently 550 KB)

It is now working fine.


 0: 00.00 00.00 config start
 1: 00.02 00.01 config end
 2: 00.23 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin
 3: 00.24 00.22 MarkupToHTML end
 4: 00.24 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin
 5: 00.25 00.23 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls begin
 6: 00.26 00.24 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls end
 7: 00.27 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
 8: 00.27 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
 9: 00.28 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
10: 00.28 00.25 now
Peak memory: 3,727,184 bytes