
Navet (pronounced: Nav-E-T)

Navet November 01, 2005, at 01:49 PM

I enjoy wikis and really believe PmWiki to be one of the Best.

Custom Markup


  • Added custom Markup to my config.php file for a checkbox, unchecked box.
    • Markup("box",'inline',"/\(:box:\)/",'<input type="checkbox">');
      • Markup: (:box:)
    • Markup("checkbox",'inline',"/\(:box:c\)/",'<input type="checkbox" CHECKED>');
      • Markup: (:box:c)

Skins I like

  • Simple
    • This skin is simple and sleek. I like it so much that I created my own header and a print.css file.
    • Created own skin and changed to it. Yes, still like Simple Skin but wanted to make my own.
  • Put the code below into a file named simple-print.css and place it in your simple skin directory.
  • Edit the file simple.tmpl and under the line with the stylesheet link, add a new line that reads like this:
    • <link rel='stylesheet' href='$SkinDirUrl/simple-print.css' type='text/css' media='print' />
  • Works well for me using IE, Avant, and Opera 8.0

Code for the simple-print.css file:

body { background-color: White; color: Black; margin:0; padding:0;}
html { background-color:#fff; }
title { display:none; }
h1 { font-size: 120%; }
h2 { font-size: 110%; }
h3 { font-size: 100%; }
h4 { font-size: 90%; }
h5 { font-size: 80%; }
div { border-style:none; background-color: #fff; }
div#header { border:none; background-color: #fff; display:none; margin:0; }
#popupmenu { display:none; }
#menu { display:none; }
#menubar div { display:none; }
.content-mat { padding:0px; border-style:none; }
#content { border-style:none; }
#wikitext { margin-top:0; margin-right:4em; margin-bottom:0; margin-left:0; }
#wikitext p, li { font-family: serif; font-size:11pt; }
#footer { display:none; }
div.sectionedit { display:none; } /* strips out edit links from Cookbook/SectionEdit */
a { text-decoration:none; color: #000; } \\

Many options for this skin. I enjoy the different styles and the best part is the FIXED menu bar while scrolling.
Looks and feels like Wikipedia, who wouldn't like it?

Cookbook Recipes

A lot to choose from and many I haven't tried. Here is a small list of those I beleive deserve credit so far.

  • SlideShow - Very simple to create a slide show using wiki syntax. I really like the concept, and it is easy to use and install. It also has a great print.css for handouts.
  • SectionEdit - Version 2.0 works fine for my skins Monobook and FixFlow, however it breaks when used with the Simple.
  • PostItNotes - Pretty cool and I'm still looking into using this recipe however it might just turn out to be one of those cool things that you would just use and normal users would wonder, 'how does he do that?', even though you have clear instructions on the note how to do it.
  • MakeColumns - Basically creates a two column table, but is simple to turn on and off. Navet October 26, 2005, at 10:53 AM