The thread at [1] proposes the addition of new pagelist template directives, but no real consensus on the names of the markup. So, here's a summary of proposals -- add your votes below the one(s) you like. Ideally put a name and vote weight below each option you have an opinion on (e.g., "Pm +1" means that Pm likes this proposal, "Pm -1" means he dislikes it, no entry or "Pm 0" indicates no strong opinion).
It's also okay to leave short (one sentence) comments on each proposal, but please keep them short. Long comments if any can go on Test.VoteOnFirstLastMarkup-Talk? or to the mailing list.
Proposal 1 - original proposal (modified)
(:first:) - first page in the list (:last:) - last page of the list (:each:) - each page of the list (:first {=$Group}:) - first page in a group (:last {=$Group:) - last page in a group (:nopages:) - markup if the pagelist is empty (:pagelist-defaults:) - default pagelist options for the template
Christian -1 (IMO it uses too much of the namespace of directives)
Dom 0
VinceG? -1
XES +1
HansB? +1
Petko +1
Jiri +1
KathrynA? 0
Swestrup 0
ScottConnard? +1
MikeBishop? +1
MartinFick? +1 (If not simple, don't bother! Other uses of templates++)
Marc 0
Han +1
DaveG 0 (borderline -1, in agreement with Christian, but unsure of impact or ramifications longer-term)
BenStallings? 0 (only if the same syntax can be used in other kinds of lists, for example a foreach or while loop)
Proposal 2 - (:template ...:) with arguments
(:template first:) - first page in the list (:template last:) - last page of the list (:template each:) - each page of the list (:template first {=$Group}:) - first page in a group (:template last {=$Group:) - last page in a group (:template nopages:) - markup if the pagelist is empty (:template defaults:) - default pagelist options for the template
VinceG? +1
Christian +1 (my favourite)
ScottConnard? +1
MartinFick? 0 (defaults seems out of place here?)
Petko +1 (more easily extendable/parametrable)
KathrynA? +1
Jiri +1
Dom +1
Marc +1
Dspitzle +1
BenStallings? +1 (like the generality of it)
XES +1 (slightly under the simpler markup, but like the namespace savings)
Using "pagelist-" prefix:
(:pagelist-first:) - first page in the list (:pagelist-last:) - last page of the list (:pagelist-each:) - each page of the list (:pagelist-first {=$Group}:) - first page in a group (:pagelist-last {=$Group:) - last page in a group (:pagelist-nopages:) - markup if the pagelist is empty (:pagelist-defaults:) - default pagelist options for the template
Votes: HansB? -1 Dom -1 Petko +1 Jiri -1 KathrynA? -1 Swestrup -1 ScottConnard? +1 MikeBishop? -1 MartinFick? -1 Marc -1 Han -1 DaveG +1 BenStallings? -1
Using "page" suffix:
(:firstpage:) - first page in the list (:lastpage:) - last page of the list (:eachpage:) - each page of the list (:firstpage {=$Group}:) - first page in a group (:lastpage {=$Group:) - last page in a group (:nopages:) - markup if the pagelist is empty (:pagelist-defaults:) - default pagelist options for the template
Votes: HansB? -1 Petko -1 Dom -1 Jiri 0 KathrynA? +1 Swestrup 0 ScottConnard? -1 (page to me means a page/screen of pagelist records) MikeBishop? -1 MartinFick? -1 Marc +1 Han -1 DaveG -1 BenStallings? -1 (too specific)
Using "template-" prefix:
(:template-first:) - first page in the list (:template-last:) - last page of the list (:template-each:) - each page of the list (:template-first {=$Group}:) - first page in a group (:template-last {=$Group:) - last page in a group (:template-nopages:) - markup if the pagelist is empty (:template-defaults:) - default pagelist options for the template
Votes: XES -1 HansB? -1 Dom -1 Petko -1 Jiri -1 KathrynA? -1 Swestrup -1 ScottConnard? 0 MikeBishop? -1 MartinFick? -1 Marc -1 Han 0 DaveG -1 (not sure I like the separation of the template syntax from the pagelist subject) BenStallings? +1 (I am sure I like the separation, because it means we can use the same template syntax with other kinds of loops.)
Using "pl-" prefix:
(:pl-first:) - first page in the list (:pl-last:) - last page of the list (:pl-each:) - each page of the list (:pl-first {=$Group}:) - first page in a group (:pl-last {=$Group:) - last page in a group (:pl-nopages:) - markup if the pagelist is empty (:pl-defaults:) - default pagelist options for the template
Votes: KathrynA? 0 Swestrup -1 ScottConnard? -1 (who will remember what "pl" means a year from now?) MikeBishop? -1 MartinFick? -1 Marc -1 DaveG 1 (provides a level of terse uniqueness) Dom -1 BenStallings? -1
Feel free to add another proposed syntax here
I'm an old awk hacker. So I kinda like (:begin:) and (:end:) .... MikeBishop?