Test /
This is a sample form for sending mail:
(:messages:) (:input mailform target=pmichaud:) (:input default request=1:) From: (:input text from :) \\ Subject: (:input text subject :) \\\ (:input textarea text rows=15 cols=60:) \\ (:input select name=test value=1 label=test1:) (:input select name=test value=2 label=test2:) The value selected in this field doesn't get sent in the email\\\ (:input text name=comment value="test12":) The value selected in this field doesn't get sent in the email\\\ (:input submit name=post value="Mail" :) (:input end:) |
Valid targets are taken from the Site.MailFormList page or from array entries in a local customization. For example, the entry
pmichaud: to=pmichaud@pobox.com
means that any mail with a target= parameter of 'pmichaud' will be send to <pmichaud@pobox.com> . It's also possible to use the Site.MailFormList page to specify a subject, or an alternate template to use for sending the mail.