
This page is testing the new (:input select ... :) markup in forms, as well as testing the ability to retain values across form submissions.

We'll start with (:input select ...:). The basic form of a select box is a sequence of options:

(:input form:)
(:input select name=abc value=1:)
(:input select name=abc value=2:)
(:input select name=abc value=3:)
(:input submit:)
(:input end:)

To have options with labels different from the value of the control, use the label=option:

(:input form:)
(:input select name=abc value=1 label=alpha :)
(:input select name=abc value=2 label=beta  :)
(:input select name=abc value=3 label=gamma :)
(:input submit:)
(:input end:)

Or, the values can be specified positionally:

(:input select name=abc 1 alpha :)
(:input select name=abc 2 beta  :)
(:input select name=abc 3 gamma :)

We can specify the size of the selection box:

(:input select name=abc 1 alpha size=3 :)
(:input select name=abc 2 beta  :)
(:input select name=abc 3 gamma :)

The "multiple" option works:

(:input select name=abc 1 alpha size=3 multiple:)
(:input select name=abc 2 beta  :)
(:input select name=abc 3 gamma :)

So, here's a dropdown list of pages in the Test group:

(:if false:)
(:input select name=n {=$FullName} "{=$Name}":)

(:pagelist fmt=#dropdownlist group=Test:)

A group page navigator:

(:if equal {=$FullName} {*$FullName}:)
(:input select name=n  selected=selected {=$FullName} "{=$Name}":)
(:if ! equal {=$FullName} {*$FullName}:)
(:input select name=n {=$FullName} "{=$Name}":)

(:comment pagelist fmt=#navigator group=Test:)
(:if equal {=$FullName} {*$FullName}:)
(:input select name=n  selected=selected {=$FullName} "{=$Name}":)
(:if ! equal {=$FullName} {*$FullName}:)
(:input select name=n {=$FullName} "{=$Name}":)
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