Test Include other pages with variable
Test the consistency of PmWiki variables when undefined, or defined with null and empty values. Also test the case sensitivity of variable names
[[#ivars]] Hi, {$$Name}, how are you today? [[#ivarsend]] |
Then, including that section above (that section is available via the section
) you get this type of behavior:
(:include {$FullName}#ivars Name=Sam:) | Hi, Sam, how are you today? |
(:include {$FullName}#ivars:) | Hi, , how are you today? |
(:include {$FullName}#ivars Name=:) | Hi, , how are you today? |
(:include {$FullName}#ivars Name='':) | Hi, , how are you today? |
(:include {$FullName}#ivars name=cam:) | Hi, , how are you today? |
Try something similar with page text variables
Avariable: v1 Bvariable: |
Avariable: v1 Bvariable: |
Avariable="{$:Avariable}" Bvariable="{$:Bvariable}" Cvariable="{$:Cvariable}" |
Avariable="v1" Bvariable="" Cvariable="" |
avariable="{$:avariable}" bvariable="{$:bvariable}" cvariable="{$:cvariable}" |
avariable="" bvariable="" cvariable="" |
Variables in page lists
>>comment<< [[#pvars]] (:template default count=1:) Hi, {$$ParamName}, how are you today? [[#pvarsend]] >><< |
This gives:
(:pagelist fmt=#pvars ParamName="Pam":) | Hi, Pam, how are you today? |
(:pagelist fmt=#pvars ParamName=:) | Hi, , how are you today? |
(:pagelist fmt=#pvars:) | Hi, , how are you today? |
(:pagelist fmt=#pvars paramname="cam":) | Hi, , how are you today? |
Try with Page Directives.
{$Titlespaced} {$Description} {$NoSuchVariable} |
Include With Variable |
{$titlespaced} {$description} {$nosuchvariable} |
Escaped template variables?
Conditional expression
[[#tplcond]] (:if equal "{$$Who}" "Petko":) %Py%''Petko'' Yotov (:elseif equal "{$$Who}" "Pm":) %Pm% '''P'''atrick '''M'''ichaud (:else:) %red% No wikistyle defined for '''{$$Who}'''. (:if:) [[#tplcondend]] |
(:include {$FullName}#tplcond Who=Pm:) ---- (:include {$FullName}#tplcond Who=Simon:) ---- (:include {$FullName}#tplcond:) ---- (:include {$FullName}#tplcond Who=Petko:) |
Patrick Michaud No wikistyle defined for Simon. No wikistyle defined for . Petko Yotov |