Test /
Testing includes and anchors
place an anchor here, see also Test.IncludedSection
:first include: (:include Test/IncludedSection#body:) |
included content from Test.IncludedSection |
:second include: (:include Test/IncludeAndAnchor#body:) |
or place an anchor here (Test.IncludeAndAnchor) |
:third include: (:include Test/IncludedSection#anchor1.2:) |
anchor 1.2 from Test.IncludedSection |
:fourth include: (:include #anchor1.2:) |
:fifth include: (:include Test/IncludeAndAnchor#anchor1.2:) |
anchor 1.2 in Test.IncludeAndAnchor |
[[#anchor1.2]] anchor 1.2 in [[Test.IncludeAndAnchor]] [[#anchor1.2end]] |
anchor 1.2 in Test.IncludeAndAnchor |
[[#body]] or place an anchor here ([[Test.IncludeAndAnchor]]) [[#bodyend]] |
or place an anchor here (Test.IncludeAndAnchor) |
[[#includend]] end of includes ([[Test.IncludeAndAnchor]]) |
end of includes (Test.IncludeAndAnchor) |