Test /
* https://en.[=wikipedia.org/wiki/New Zealand (disambiguation)=] * [[ [=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New Zealand (disambiguation)=] | Attach:[=File with spaces.jpg=] ]] * [[Home(Page)"[=Tooltip title (with parentheses) "and quotes".=]" ]]suffix * [[mailto:5ko@5ko.fr?subject=[=Email with a subject (parentheses) and 'apostrophes' and "quotes"=]"the tooltip title"|sent an e-mail]] This one is not escaped so the parentheses are considered PmWiki markup and the link URL is incorrect. * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New Zealand (disambiguation)]] |
This one is not escaped so the parentheses are considered PmWiki markup and the link URL is incorrect. |