
<< | Cookbook-V1 | >>

Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.

FTS-0.1.7.php Release Notes -- January 23, 2004

  • Corrected problem with the system not recognizing passwords correctly.
  • Modifications to code logic.
  • Various bug fixes.

FTS-0.1.6.php Release Notes -- January 11, 2004

  • Modified code to correct a problem with the ?action=export&select= operation. Available selections: values, page, keys
  • Modifications to correct some incorrect logic related to diff.
  • Various modifications to the code to improve readability.

FTS-0.1.5.php Release Notes -- January 9, 2004

  • Added $HTMLDoctypeFMT and set it to XHTML 1.0 Transitional by default.
    To disable: place $EnableXHTMLinFTS=0; in local.php file.
  • Added logic for new field types text[], textarea[], and [=textarea=].
    Text[] and textarea[] are self-replicating fields that add another input field to the form for 'new' user input with each edit.
    [=textarea=] is a field type that accepts PmWiki markup but DOES NOT apply it in the rendered web page.
  • Added logic to allow wikinote, text, and textarea field types to reference another field.
    Usage: set the 'field array' key 'value' to point to the related field, i.e., 'value'=>'[target]' where target is any valid field name within any included template file.
  • Simplified diff to reflect only modification to the form content made by the user. Set a default of 7 days for retaining diff records.
    To change: place $DiffKeepDays = ?; in local.php file where ? is the number of desired days to keep the diff records.
  • Modified the 'field array' key 'inwiki' to accept array input.
  • Modified ?action=export to include required &select= with these values:
     &select=page yields values for all page fields
     &select=values yields values for all form fields
     &select=keys yields keynames for all fields in page
  • Various modifications to improve readability of php code and performance.
 FTS-0.1.4.php Release Notes -- January 4, 2004
  • Added FTS pages to Group.RecentChanges and AllRecentChanges pages with a note showing that FTS was active and the template name, e.g.,
    PageName  . . . . . . January 04, 2004, at 10:37 PM 
  • Added logic for diff on FTS pages
    FTS pages now appear in listing for action=diff
      Within the action=diff listing there are two types of restores
      There are restores for pages WITHOUT attached templates, 
        i.e., normal PmWiki pages
      There are restores for pages WITH attached templates, 
        i.e., PmWiki pages with templates
      (Note: the bubble help for the 'restore link' contains the following 
             for these pages ::FTS(TemplateName) to identify them as having 
             had an attached template when the diff was created.) 
IMPORTANT: Any restore may be activated by clicking on the 'restore link'.
               However, the restore will only be applied to the page that 
               was active when the diff was created.  The FTS restore logic 
               checks to verify that the TemplateName contained in the diff 
               matches the TemplateName attached to the page BEFORE the restore
               is applied to that page. All restores open in edit mode.
  • Enhanced and modified action=export logic for use with an external function - if one
      exists - named HandleExportContents($pagename,$ExportContents) with the associative
      array $ExportContents as a parameter. $ExportContents is an associative array with
      the field names as keys and the content as the values.

      To test this place the following code in the local.php file.
      -- code snippet --
      function HandleExportContents($pagename,$ExportContents) {
        foreach($ExportContents as $k => $v) {
        echo '<br />' . $k . ' = ' . $v; 	}
      This logic is accessed with 
        ?action=export&task=page for all 'variables' in a page except the diffs, and  
        ?action=export&task=values for only 'variables' defined for a template 
           via a php template file.  The values returned are the values entered
           into the template form or set by the operation of PmWiki.
  • Added logic to remove diff records based upon the value of \$DiffKeepDays.
      The default value is set to 7 days. This default an be altered by setting a 
      value for $DiffKeepDays in the local.php file.	
  • Augmented $WikiStylePattern .= '|{==[A-Za-z][-,=#\\w\\s]*}';
  • Added new style for use with FTS
  • Fixed a few minor bugs.

pmwiki-2.4.2 -- Last modified by {{}}?

from IP: ip should be disabled by default for security reasons