Category /
- Cookbook /
- AuthUserCMSLike Restricts access to PageActions by role
- AuthUserDbase Enables user authentication via database, whether from another application, or standalone (beta)
- GoogleMapAPI Adds Google Map API to PmWiki pages. (Beta (out-of-date - no longer works))
- MakeColumns Create columns on a page without using tables.
- Markdown A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup (Beta)
- Marklets An easy-to-use, categorical, bookmark management system. (Beta)
- MediaCategories Assembles all Categories in a page, alphabetizes, and appends to bottom of page--in the style similar to MediaWiki. (Stable as of 2.1.5)
- OpenUrls Automatically create URL Path for use with EnablePathInfo.
- ProposedRecipeStructureChange Ideas about improving the Cookbook (page kept for historical reasons)
- Pywe Provides author-preferred text editor support for PmWiki page edits (Beta)
- Pywe-Talk
- Rating A Quick and easy way for visitors to rate an item or issue. (Development)
- TitleCased Site customizeable title case of titles. (stable)
- WikiCVSStorage Use CVS to backup/archive your wiki.
- WikiFarmAlternative An efficient way to manage a wiki farm or web server.
- WikiFarmAlternative-Talk An efficient way to manage a wiki farm or web server.
- GoogleMapAPI /
- GoogleMapAPI
- TalkOlder
- PmWiki /
- Features A listing of PmWiki features
- FeaturesAtAGlance A short listing of PmWiki features
- PmWikiRu /
- FeaturesAtAGlance Список ключевых возможностей PmWiki на одной странице