
Carter's compass: I know I'm on the right track when by deleting something, I'm adding functionality.

Fire and Motion

Larry Wall Quotes

Look at the big picture. Don't focus on two or three things to the exclusion of other things. Keep everything in context.
Complexity is not always the enemy. What's important is not simplicity or complexity, but how you bridge the two.
True greatness is measured by how much freedom you give to others, not by how much you can coerce others to do what you want.
I can't predict whether Perl's road ahead will be bumpy or smooth, but I can predict that the more perspectives we can see things from, the easier it'll be to choose the perspectives we like.
There are many throughways, and they don't all lead the same place. It's easy to tunnel into a false minimum and think you're "through".'' --Larry Wall

Other Stuff

Look at the problems that need to be solved and figure out what the essential things in those problems are. Don't try and grab a single solution and try and figure out how to make it apply to all your problems. --Dan Sugalski

Don't give up too soon.

Words are tools of the brain.

Your future is now.

Plan to succeed by preparing for failure.

In other words, failure is a part of life. It will happen. The trick is to learn from your mistakes and try again.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" --Albert Einstein

Confidence. Resolve. Imagination. Think critically! Learn. Grow.


Push only when necessary. --Pm

Now is always better than later.

-- Pm disagrees with this last one.
Okay, perhaps always isn't right. This thing to remember is because I always seem to be putting things on hold to do other things and then eventually forget about the original thing. "Now is better than later" is a way for me to remember to not put things on hold unless it's really necessary.