01224: Enhance [[PmWiki/page list templates]] to process anchors
- Description
A proposal to discuss the design for, then provide the pagelist functionality using Page List Templates to process anchors in a page or pages.
The following extensions are suggested
- enhance order by adding anchor for
- add variables
- enhance "template first" and "template last" to allow for
(:template first {=$Anchor}:)
, etc - enhance "template each" to allow for a qualifier (anchor, name (the default if not supplied), group), eg
(:template each anchor:)
,(:template each group:)
, etc, note the default(:template each:)
is the current(:template each name:)
, aka "page" which would be more meaningful, but not consistent
An example
(:pagelist name=thispage anchor=* fmt=#mytoc:) [[#mytoc]] (:template defaults order=anchor:) (:template first {=$Name}:) !!!! {=$Namespaced} table of contents (:template each anchor:) * [[{=$FullName}#{=$Anchor}|{=$Anchorspaced}]] (:template last {=$Anchor}:) {$$AnchorCount} sections [[#mytocend]]
Note that this feature would be improved if anchors were generated automatically for headings in a page, especially if generated anchors were prefixed by a standard prefix (eg "a_
", "a.
", or "a:
")[1] that allowed them to be identified as having been generated.
The anchor should include the "depth" of the heading in the prefix, eg "a.3.
Question: Does this really need to be a pagelist feature? Or could it be something completely separate that lists anchors for a given page? In other words, are there use cases where listing anchors for multiple pages is needed? (And, if so, could it be handled by including some sort of (:anchorlist ...:)
in the pagelist template?)
I believe that this is a case where augmenting an existing feature will provide benefits that can't be anticipated until people start using it. Personally I can see a number of potential benefits from having a pagelist being able to select similarly named anchors from across a range of pages.
See also
- NumberedHeaders Display numbered headers, indented paragraphs and table of contents
- PageTableOfContents Adds a clickable table of contents to a page
- 00027 Table of Contents
- 00955 Automatic anchors for document sections
See also a remotely related discussion on the mailing list: [2] [3].