00270: Add latexrender as option when installing mimetex, improves display of math

Summary: Add latexrender as option when installing mimetex, improves display of math
Created: 2005-01-07 06:28
Status: Closed - no interest
Category: Cookbook
Priority: 3
Version: any
OS: Debian(Sarge)/Apache2/PHP4.x

Description: If the software is available (latex and imagemagick) it would be nice to take advantage when displaying latex math markup. LatexRender is apparently from the same author as mimetex and thus should be almost as esy to install as mimetex. LatexRender can be found at http://www.mayer.dial.pipex.com/tex.htm#latexrender

Contact info: froze(at)butsuri(dot)homelinux(dot)net