This cookbook for PmWiki 2 uses S5 Installing: Download S5 and uncompress it to pub/s5 folder in your "Farm" directory Using: Include this (slideshow.php) file in your config.php. Create a page using "!" titles-1level to define slides and then access the page with action=slideshow History 1.2: added contribution by JonHaupt */ $SlidesSkin = "pmwiki"; # Slideshow skin list global $SlideShowSkinList; SDVA($SlideShowSkinList, array ( 'pmwiki' => 'pmwiki', 'blue' => 'blue', 'flower' => 'flower', 'pixel' => 'pixel', 'pretty' => 'pretty', )); # ?theme= to specify a particular theme on display if(isset($_REQUEST['theme'])) { if (@$SlideShowSkinList[$_REQUEST['theme']]) { $SlidesSkin = ($_REQUEST['theme']); } } else { if (! @$SlideShowSkinList[$SlidesSkin]) { $SlidesSkin = "pmwiki"; } } SDV($HandleActions['slideshow'],'HandleSlides'); Markup('slide','_begin','/\(:RSS *(.+):\)/e',"RSS('\$1')"); SDV($SlideList,array()); SDV($SlideShowFmt, ' $Title
'); SDV($SlideSoloFmt,'
'); SDV($HandleSlideShowFmt,array(&$SlideShowFmt,&$SlideList,'
')); function HandleSlides($pagename, $auth = 'read') { global $SlideShowFmt, $SlideSoloFmt, $SlideList,$RssItemFmt, $HandleSlideShowFmt,$FmtV,$ScriptUrl,$Group,$Name; $t = ReadTrail($pagename,$pagename); $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, false, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) Abort("?cannot read $pagename"); $cbgmt = $page['time']; $source = $page['text']; $number_of_items = preg_match_all('/\n\!([\ \w].*)/', $source, $titles); // get the number of items and the dates $body_of_items = preg_split('/\n\!([\ \w].*)/', $source); // get the number of items and the dates $titles = $titles[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_items; $i++) { $FmtV['$SlideContent'] = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $titles[$i] . "\n" . $body_of_items[$i + 1]); $SlideList[] = FmtPageName($SlideSoloFmt, $pagename); } PrintFmt($pagename,$HandleSlideShowFmt); exit(); } ?>