", 'name' => 'text', 'id' => 'text', 'width' => '100%', height=>'500px'); SDV( $RichEdit_RichTextFieldName, 'richText'); SDV( $RichEdit_PlainTextFieldName, 'text'); SDV( $RichEdit_TextFieldName, 'text'); // Load array utility functions, so that we can insert into // the action array. include_once("$FarmC/richedit/arrayutils.php"); // Insert our functions after the call to RestorePage() $EditFunctions = RichEdit_Util_ArrayInsertAfter( 'RestorePage', $EditFunctions, array( 'RichEdit_SetHeader','RichEdit_OnEdit', 'RichEdit_DecodeHtmlSpecials', 'RichEdit_OnSave') ); // Path to the wiki, minus the actual script. // This allows the editor JavaScripts to know where they should load from. SDV( $RichEdit_WikiDir, preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#','',$ScriptUrl,1) ); #SDV( $RichEdit_ContentCSS, $RichEdit_WikiDir . '/cookbook/richedit/css/content.css'); SDV( $RichEdit_ContentCSS, "$FarmC/richedit/css/content.css"); // Relative URL to the editor script. This has to be removed // from certain URLs. SDV( $RichEdit_RelativeScriptUrl, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ); $RichEdit_RichTextFieldName = $RichEdit_PlainTextFieldName = $RichEdit_TextFieldName = 'text'; // Directory in which Perl scripts are to be found and run. // This should be a path, NOT a url, and the directory should // contain the Perl scripts included with this package, // as well as WikiConverter.php. SDV( $RichEdit_PerlDirectory, $FarmS . "/" . "../cgi-bin/" ); include_once( $RichEdit_PerlDirectory . 'WikiConverter.php'); include_once("$FarmC/richedit/editfunctions.php"); SDV( $RichEdit_HeaderInsertFunction, 'RichEdit_Editor_TinyMCE_GetEditorInsertHtml'); // The two editors supported by this script include_once("$FarmC/richedit/editorxinha.php" ); include_once("$FarmC/richedit/editortinymce.php" ); } if( $RichEdit_SectionEditEnabled ) { include_once("$FarmC/richedit/sectioneditfunctions.php"); } ?>