* * Uploads multiple files at once by packing them in a zip * archive & extracting them on the server. * * Developed and tested using the PmWiki 2.2.0-beta series. * Requires PHP 5 ZipArchive support: * http://php.net/manual/en/ref.zip.php * * To install, add the following line to your configuration file : include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/multiupload.php"); * * For more information, please see the online documentation at * http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MultiUpload * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, * Version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ $RecipeInfo['MultiUpload']['Version'] = '2007-11-27'; if ( !class_exists('ZipArchive') ) Abort('PHP 5 ZipArchive support required for multiupload.php cookbook recipe'); SDV($PageUploadFmt,array("

$[Attachments for] {\$FullName}


$[File to upload:]
$[Name attachment as:]
", 'wiki:$[{$SiteGroup}/UploadQuickReference]')); SDVA( $HandleActions, array( 'postmultiupload' => 'HandlePostMultiUpload' ) ); SDV( $HandleAuth['postmultiupload'], $HandleAuth['postupload'] ); XLSDV( 'en', array( 'ULfailextract' => 'error extracting file' ) ); function HandlePostMultiUpload($pagename, $auth = 'upload') { global $UploadFileFmt, $LastModFile, $EnableUploadVersions, $Now; if ( !$_REQUEST['extract'] ) { HandlePostUpload( $pagename, $auth ); return; } $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) Abort("?cannot upload to $pagename"); $zipfile = $_FILES['uploadfile']; $zname = $zipfile['name']; $upreport = '{$PageUrl}?action=upload&uprname'; $result = UploadVerifyArchive( $zipfile ); if ( $result != '' ) { Redirect( $pagename, "$upreport=$zname&$result" ); return; } $za = new ZipArchive; $res = $za->open($zipfile['tmp_name']); if ($res !== TRUE) Abort("?error opening archive $zname: ".ZipArchiveErrorStr($res) ); $filedir = FmtPageName( "$UploadFileFmt", $pagename ); mkdirp($filedir); for ( $i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; ++$i ) { $stat = $za->statIndex($i); $name = MakeUploadName( $pagename, preg_replace( '#^.*/([^/]*)$#', '$1', $stat['name'] ) ); if ( $name == '' ) continue; $filepath = "$filedir/$name"; $result = UploadVerifyArchiveEntry( $stat, $filepath ); if ( $result != '' ) { Redirect( $pagename, "$upreport=$zname/$name&$result" ); return; } if ( IsEnabled( $EnableUploadVersions, 0 ) ) @rename( $filepath, "$filepath,$Now" ); if ( !( $za->renameIndex( $i, $name ) && $za->extractTo( $filedir, $name ) ) ) { Redirect( $pagename, "$upreport=$zname/$name&upresult=failextract" ); return; } fixperms( $filepath, 0444 ); } if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } Redirect( $pagename, "$upreport=$zname&upresult=success" ); } function UploadVerifyArchive( $uploadfile ) { global $UploadExtSize; preg_match( '/\\.([^.\\/]+)$/', $uploadfile['name'], $match ); $ext = @$match[1]; $maxsize = $UploadExtSize[$ext]; if ( $maxsize <= 0 ) return "upresult=badtype&upext=$ext"; if ($uploadfile['size']>$maxsize) return "upresult=toobigext&upext=$ext&upmax=$maxsize"; switch (@$uploadfile['error']) { case 1: return 'upresult=toobig'; case 2: return 'upresult=toobig'; case 3: return 'upresult=partial'; case 4: return 'upresult=nofile'; } if (!is_uploaded_file($uploadfile['tmp_name'])) return 'upresult=nofile'; return ''; } function UploadVerifyArchiveEntry( $stat, $filepath ) { global $EnableUploadOverwrite, $UploadExtSize, $UploadPrefixQuota, $UploadDirQuota, $UploadDir; if ( !$EnableUploadOverwrite && file_exists($filepath) ) return 'upresult=exists'; preg_match( '/\\.([^.\\/]+)$/', $filepath, $match ); $ext = @$match[1]; $maxsize = $UploadExtSize[$ext]; if ( $maxsize <= 0 ) return "upresult=badtype&upext=$ext"; if ( $stat['size'] > $maxsize ) return "upresult=toobigext&upext=$ext&upmax=$maxsize"; $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#','',$filepath); if ( $UploadPrefixQuota && ( dirsize($filedir) - @filesize($filepath) + $stat['size'] ) > $UploadPrefixQuota ) return 'upresult=pquota'; if ( $UploadDirQuota && ( dirsize($UploadDir) - @filesize($filepath) + $stat['size'] ) > $UploadDirQuota ) return 'upresult=tquota'; return ''; } function ZipArchiveErrorStr($i) { switch($i) { case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_OK'): return "No error."; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_MULTIDISK'): return "Multi-disk zip archives not supported."; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_RENAME'): return "Renaming temporary file failed."; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_CLOSE'): return "Closing zip archive failed"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_SEEK'): return "Seek error"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_READ'): return "Read error"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_WRITE'): return "Write error"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_CRC'): return "CRC error"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_ZIPCLOSED'): return "Containing zip archive was closed"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_NOENT'): return "No such file."; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_EXISTS'): return "File already exists"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_OPEN'): return "Can't open file"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_TMPOPEN'): return "Failure to create temporary file."; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_ZLIB'): return "Zlib error"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_MEMORY'): return "Memory allocation failure"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_CHANGED'): return "Entry $i has been changed"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_COMPNOTSUPP'): return "Compression method not supported."; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_EOF'): return "Premature EOF"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INVAL'): return "Invalid argument"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_NOZIP'): return "Not a zip archive"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INTERNAL'): return "Internal error"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INCONS'): return "Zip archive inconsistent"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_REMOVE'): return "Can't remove file"; case constant('ZIPARCHIVE::ER_DELETED'): return "Entry has been deleted"; } return FALSE; }