'HandleMoveCopyDelGroup', 'groupmove' => 'HandleMoveCopyDelGroup', 'groupdelete' => 'HandleMoveCopyDelGroup')); SDVA($HandleAuth, array('groupcopy' => 'admin', 'groupmove' => 'admin', 'groupdelete' => 'admin')); SDVA($ActionTitleFmt, array('groupcopy' => '| $[GroupCopy]', 'groupmove' => '| $[GroupMove]', 'groupdelete' => '| $[GroupDelete]')); function HandleMoveCopyDelGroup($pagename, $auth='admin') { global $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt, $ActionTitleFmt, $action, $FmtPV, $Now, $ChangeSummary, $MessagesFmt, $MovePageFmt; if (isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) Redirect($pagename); Lock(2); if (!PageExists($pagename)) Abort("$action: source page ($pagename) doesn't exist"); $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, TRUE); if (!$page) Abort("$action: cannot read source ($pagename)"); // page name and group $name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name'); $group = PageVar($pagename, '$Group'); $FmtPV['$MoveTargetName'] = "'$group'"; $extra_msg=" $group to:"; if ($action=="groupdelete") { $extra_msg=":"; $submit_buttons=" "; $operation="$[GroupDelete]"; } else if ($action=="groupmove") { $submit_buttons=" "; $operation="$[GroupMove]"; } else { $submit_buttons=" "; $operation="$[GroupCopy]"; } $form=array("


$submit_buttons ", 'markup:(:messages:)', "\n
"); if (empty($_POST['to'])) { Lock(0); PrintFmt($pagename, array(&$PageStartFmt, &$form, &$PageEndFmt)); return; } $targetGroup = $_POST['to']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['copy'])) { $mp_action = 'copy'; } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['delete'])) { $mp_action = 'delete'; } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['move'])) { $mp_action = 'move'; } else $mp_action = $action; $errormsg = MoveCopyDelGroup($group,$targetGroup,$mp_action, $operation); Lock(0); if ($errormsg) { // error $MessagesFmt[] = "
$action: $errormsg
"; PrintFmt($pagename, array(&$PageStartFmt, &$form, &$PageEndFmt)); } else { // successfull move,copy or deleted group Redirect("{$targetGroup}.{$name}"); } } // copies files and non-empty directories function rcopy($src, $dst) { global $errorMsg; if (is_dir($src)) { if (!mkdir($dst)) { $errorMsg="cannot create directory $dst"; return false; } $files = scandir($src); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if( ! rcopy("$src/$file", "$dst/$file") ) return false; } } } else { if (file_exists($src)) { if (!copy($src, $dst)) { $errorMsg="cannot copy file $src to $dst"; return false; } } } return true; } function delTree($dir) { global $errorMsg; $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.','..')); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) { if (!delTree("$dir/$file")) return false; } else { if (! unlink("$dir/$file")) { $errorMsg="cannot delete file $dir/$file"; return false; } } } if (! rmdir($dir)) { $errorMsg="cannot delete directory $dir"; return false; } return true; } function MoveCopyDelGroup($sourceGroup, $targetGroup,$action,$operation) { global $errorMsg,$FarmD; $pagesDir="$FarmD/wiki.d"; $uploadDir="$FarmD/uploads"; $source_uploadsdir="$uploadDir/$sourceGroup"; $target_uploadsdir="$uploadDir/$targetGroup"; if ($action=='groupmove' || $action=='groupcopy') { // check source group (sourceGroup) exist $foundsource=false; foreach (glob("$pagesDir/{$sourceGroup}.*") as $filename) { $foundsource=true; break; } if (is_dir($source_uploadsdir)) { $foundsource=true; } if ( $foundsource == false ) return "Cannot do $operation because group $sourceGroup does not exist!"; // check target group (targetGroup) does not already exist if (is_dir($target_uploadsdir)) { return "cannot do $operation from '$sourceGroup' to '$targetGroup' because latter already exist"; } foreach (glob("$pagesDir/{$targetGroup}.*") as $filename) { return "cannot do $operation from '$sourceGroup' to '$targetGroup' because latter already exist"; } } elseif ($action=='groupdelete' ) { // check group you want to delete really exist $found=false; foreach (glob("$pagesDir/{$targetGroup}.*") as $filename) { $found=true; break; } if (is_dir($target_uploadsdir)) { $found=true; } if ( $found == false ) return "Cannot do $operation because group $targetGroup does not exist!"; } else { return "unknown action '$action'"; } if ($action=='groupmove' ) { // do move foreach (glob("$pagesDir/{$sourceGroup}.*") as $filename) { // substr_replace() replaces a copy of string delimited by the offset and (optionally) length parameters with the string given in replace $newfilename=substr_replace($filename,"$pagesDir/{$targetGroup}",0,strlen("$pagesDir/{$sourceGroup}")); if (!rename("$filename","$newfilename")){ return "ERROR: cannot move page $filename to $newfilename" ; } } if (is_dir($source_uploadsdir)) { if (!rename("$source_uploadsdir","$target_uploadsdir")){ return "ERROR: cannot move directory $source_uploadsdir to $target_uploadsdir" ; } } } elseif ($action=='groupcopy' ) { // do copy foreach (glob("$pagesDir/{$sourceGroup}.*") as $filename) { // substr_replace() replaces a copy of string delimited by the offset and (optionally) length parameters with the string given in replace $newfilename=substr_replace($filename,"$pagesDir/{$targetGroup}",0,strlen("$pagesDir/{$sourceGroup}")); if (!copy("$filename","$newfilename")) { return "ERROR: cannot copy page $filename to $newfilename" ; } } if (is_dir($source_uploadsdir)) { if (!rcopy("$source_uploadsdir","$target_uploadsdir")){ return "ERROR: cannot copy directory $source_uploadsdir to $target_uploadsdir because: $errorMsg"; } } } elseif ($action=='groupdelete' ) { // do delete foreach (glob("$pagesDir/{$targetGroup}.*") as $filename) { if (! unlink("$filename") ) { return "ERROR: cannot delete page $filename"; } } if (is_dir($target_uploadsdir)) { if (!delTree($target_uploadsdir)){ return "ERROR: cannot delete directory $target_uploadsdir because: $errorMsg"; } } } else { return "unknown action '$action'"; } // succesfull operation does not return error return FALSE; }