\n"; else { printgw(); } } function MkGW($pagename, $auth, $level) { global $LinkTargets, $gwStart, $links; if (time() > $gwStart+10) { echo "."; $gwStart = time(); flush; } #echo "MkGW($pagename, ...): Entering
\n"; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth); if (1) { $text = $page['targets']; $targets = explode(",", $text); if (!$text) return(0); // indicates we've reached a node } else { $text = $page['text']; if (!$text) return(0); // indicates we've reached a node $LinkTargets = array(); $html = MarkupToHTML($pagename,$text); // calculate $LinkTargets as byproduct # echo "MkGW: LinkTargets=".print_r($LinkTargets,true)."
\n"; $targets = array_keys((array)$LinkTargets); } if (!$targets) return(0); // indicates we've reached a node $links[$pagename] = $targets; foreach ($targets as $t) { if (array_key_exists($t, $links)) { } else { # echo "MkGW($pagename): Calling MkGW($t)
\n"; MkGW($t, $auth, $level+1); } } } # See if there is a link from $from, to $to # Delete it and return true if found (ie modifies the params it is passed!) function findreverse($from, $to) { global $links; if(array_key_exists($from, $links)) { $nlinks = array(); $found = 0; foreach ($links[$from] as $t) { if (strcmp($t, $to) == 0) { $found=1; } else { $nlinks[] = $t; } } if ($found) { $links[$from] = $nlinks; return 1; } } return 0; } function printgw() { global $links; # Edit the next line as appropriate to format your graph notes echo "
\ndigraph xyz {
\nnode [color=lightblue2, style=filled];
\n"; foreach ($links as $k => $l) echo "\"$k\" [URL=\"" . FmtPageName('$PageUrl', $k) . "\" target=\"_new\"];
\n"; foreach ($links as $k => $l) { foreach ($l as $t) { echo "\"$k\" -> \"$t\""; # This section tries to avoid duplicate arrows in both directions and instead use a double headed arrow # Personal preference really... if (findreverse($t, $k)) echo " [dir=\"both\"]"; echo ";
\n"; } } echo "}
\n"; }