'500', 'height' => '300', 'id' => 'map', 'view' => 'normal', 'zoom' => '13', 'coordinates' => array('lon' => '42.72500', 'lat' => '-81.200935'), 'address' => '', 'user-address' => false ) ); # HTMLHeader Defaults $HTMLHeaderFmt[] = ''; # Other Defaults $Parser = new Parse( &$GoogleMapDefaults ); $ParsedParams = null; // used by the parser $HTMLHandle = new HtmlInterface(); $HTMLHandle->AddHtml( 'var map = null; var geocoder = null; function load() { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("' . $GoogleMapDefaults['id'] . '")); var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder(); if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());' ); # Markup() Call Markup( 'map', '>[=', '/\(:map(-location|-end)?(\s.*)?:\)/ie', "CvtMarkup(PSS('$1'), PSS('$2'))" ); /******************************** * Function Definitions. * AKA: The Fun Stuff *******************************/ /* (string) furncion cvtMarkup($call, $params); * Discription: Main() function of script. CvtMarkup() checkes for the markup call * used, and makes a call to one of two fucntions depending on call * type. CvtMarkup() returns the result of this function call to the * wiki, which is the html needed to preform the action requested. */ function CvtMarkup( $call, $params ) { global $Parser; # Deturmine the call type. if ( strpos( $call, '-location' ) === 0 ) { $type = 'location'; } elseif ( strpos( $call, '-end' ) === 0 ) { $type = 'end'; } else { $type = 'generate'; } # Get the paramaters passed to the scirpt; pass through PmWiki's ParseArgs to # make things easy $args = ParseArgs( $params ); # Add paramaters to the Parser $Parser->AddCallParams ( $args ); # Pass controll to another part of the script, depending on the call type. if ( $type == 'generate' ) { $replace = GenerateMap(); } elseif ( $type == 'location' ) { $replace = AddLocation(); } elseif ( $type == 'end' ) { GoogleMapsDestruct(); } return $replace; } /* (string) GenerateMap(); * Discription: GenerateMap() does just as it's name implies: it generates a map. * More specifically though, it adds the javascript from the Google * Maps API, which generates the map for it. */ function GenerateMap( ) { global $GoogleMapDefaults, $ParsedParams, $Parser, $HTMLHandle; /* * Time to parse the arguments */ $loctype = $Parser->ParseAddr(); // address/location $Parser->ParseZoom(); // zoom level // generate javascript for setting center. if ( $loctype == 'll' ) { $HTMLHandle->addHtml( " \n" . 'map.setCenter(new GLatLng(' . $ParsedParams['coordinates']['lon'] . ',' . $ParsedParams['coordinates']['lat'] . '),' . $GoogleMapDefaults['zoom'] . ');' ); } elseif ( $loctype == 'addr' ) { $HTMLHandle->addHtml( "\n" . 'geocoder.getLatLng( \''. $ParsedParams['address'] . '\', function(point) { if (!point) { alert(" not found"); } else { map.setCenter(point, ' . $ParsedParams['zoom'] . '); } });' ); } /* * Check for user-address' */ $Parser->ParseUserAddrBool(); $form = null; if ( $ParsedParams['user-address'] ) { # Figure out method of getting group and page name later to use here $form = '
'; } if ( $_POST['Address'] && $GoogleMapDefaults['user-address'] && !$checked) { $checked = true; # avoid a recrusive function loop # Fourge Wiki-Markup call to add user address to map. CvtMarkup('-locaiton', 'address="' . $_GET['GoogleMap_usrAddr'] . '"'); } return '
' . $form; } /* (null) AddLocation(); * Discription: AddLocation() is a function to add location points to the map. * It uses much the same code for checking paramaters as GenerateMap() * does, but it returns different javascript to PmWiki. */ function AddLocation() { global $ParsedParams, $Parser, $HTMLHandle; $loctype = $Parser->ParseAddr(); // generate javascript for adding location point. if ( $loctype == 'll' ) { $HTMLHandle->addHtml( " \n" . 'var marker = new GMarker('. $ParsedParams['coordinates']['lon'] . ',' . $ParsedParams['coordinates']['lat'] . '); map.addOverlay(marker);' ); } elseif ( $loctype == 'addr' ) { $HTMLHandle->addHtml( "\n" . 'geocoder.getLatLng( \''. $ParsedParams['address'] . '\', function(point) { if (!point) { alert(" not found"); } else { var marker = new GMarker(point); map.addOverlay(marker); } });' ); } return null; } /* class Parse * Discription: The Parse class was created to handle the parsing of all paramaters * to the wiki markup. If any paramater is not included with the wiki call, * the respective parser function will use the defaults passed to in in its * construct. */ class Parse { var $defaults = null; var $wikiparams = null; /* (void) Parse( array $def ) * Description: Parse() is the construct for the Parse class. It takes one * paramater, $def, which should contain an array of the default * values for the application. Generally, this will be the * $GoogleMapDefaults array. The only case when it may not be, is... * well, I can't think of one. So, just pass it the $GoogleMapDefaults * array. */ function Parse( $def ) { $this->defaults = $def; } /* (void) AddWikiMarkup( array $newparams ) * Description: AddWikiMarkp takes the parsed paramaters of a markup call as an * array paramater, and adds it to an object member for use later. * This method needs to be called before any parsing can take place, * as all of the methods will return false (0) if they do not have, * their default fallbacks set. This is a security measure. */ function AddCallParams( $newparams ) { $this->wikiparams = $newparams; } /* (string) ParseAddr() * Description: Although its name leads you to beleive this method would only * parse an address, it is also used to parse latitudes and longitudes. * In hines sight, it probably should have been called ParseLocation(); * however, it isn't. * * This method checks and validates all location types to make sure * they are valid, or atleast as far as it can see. If the location is * valid, ParseAddr will store the location in the $ParsedParams array, * and return a short string represinting the type ('addr' for address, and * 'll' for longitude and latitued.). */ function ParseAddr() { global $ParsedParams; // Is it a longitude and a latitude? if ( preg_match( '/([0-9]{1,3}\..[0-9]{1,9}\,.[0-9]{1,3}\..[0-9]{1,9})/', $this->wikiparams['coordinates'] ) ) { $loctype = 'll'; // It's a longitude and latitude $ll = explode( ',', $this->wikiparams['coordinates'] ); $ParsedParams['coordinates'] = array( 'lon' => $ll[0], 'lat' => $ll[1] ); } // Is it an address? elseif ( preg_match( '/(.*\s*)?/', $this->wikiparams['address'] ) ) { $loctype = 'addr'; // It's an address $ParsedParams['address'] = $this->wikiparams['address']; } // Use Defaults else { $loctype = 'll'; $ParsedParams['location']['lon'] = $this->defaults['location']['lon']; $ParsedParams['location']['lat'] = $this->defaults['location']['lat']; } return $loctype; } /* (void) ParseUserAddrBool() * Description: ParseUserAddrBool is the method that dedides wether or not to show a * user-address bar, a feature add in the alpha version to allow the user * to enter their address to add to the map (usefull for getting directions). * This setting is off by default. * * Currently used as placeholder untill I get arround to actually coding it. */ function ParseUserAddrBool() { global $GoogleMapDefaults, $ParsedParams; $ParsedParams['user-address'] = $this->defaults['user-address']; } function ParseZoom() { global $ParsedParams; if ( !isset($this->wikiparams['zoom']) || !preg_match('/[0-9]{1,2}/', $this->wikiparams['zoom']) ) { $ParsedParams['zoom'] = $this->defaults['zoom']; } else { $ParsedParams['zoom'] = $this->wikiparams['zoom']; } } } class HtmlInterface { var $Head; function HtmlInteface() { $this->Head = ""; $HTMLHeaderFmt[] = "