$line_range) { if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)[-–]([0-9]+)/", $line_range, $m)) { $line_numbers = array_merge($line_numbers, range(--$m[1],--$m[2])); } else if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)[-–]$/", $line_range, $m)) { $line_numbers[] = $to_end_from = --$m[1]; } else { $line_numbers[] = --$line_range; } } ## Same thing, but for highlighted line ranges. $hl_line_ranges = $parsed['hl'] ? explode(',', $parsed['hl']) : array(); $hl_line_numbers = array(); $hl_to_end_from = -1; foreach ($hl_line_ranges as $key => $hl_line_range) { if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)[-–]([0-9]+)/", $hl_line_range, $m)) { $hl_line_numbers = array_merge($hl_line_numbers, range(--$m[1],--$m[2])); } else if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)[-–]$/", $hl_line_range, $m)) { $hl_line_numbers[] = $hl_to_end_from = --$m[1]; } else { $hl_line_numbers[] = --$hl_line_range; } } $embed_js_url = "https://gist.github.com/$gist_id.js"; $embed_raw_url = "https://gist.github.com/$gist_id/raw/"; $embed_json_url = "https://gist.github.com/$gist_id.json"; $out = "Unknown error."; if ($raw) { ## If no filenames have been specified, we'll have to retrieve the file list from ## the server; otherwise, we'll have no idea what files to request, and just ## retrieving the 'raw' URL for a multi-file gist (with no file specified) gets ## the first file only... if (empty($files)) { $full_gist_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($embed_json_url),true); $files = $full_gist_data['files']; } ## The raw text of each file of a multi-file gist must be retrieved individually. $out = array(); foreach ($files as $filename) { $raw_text = file_get_contents($embed_raw_url.$filename); if (!$raw_text) return Keep("Could not retrieve gist!"); $raw_lines = explode("\n", $raw_text); ## Convert HTML entities. if (!$noPre) { foreach ($raw_lines as $line) $line = PVSE($line); } ## Highlighting only works if no-pre is NOT enabled AND if we're displaying a ## single file only. if (!empty($hl_line_numbers) && !$noPre && count($files) == 1) { if ($hl_to_end_from >= 0) $hl_line_numbers = array_merge($hl_line_numbers, range($hl_to_end_from, count($raw_lines) - 1)); foreach ($hl_line_numbers as $l) { $raw_lines[$l] = "" . rtrim($raw_lines[$l]) . ""; } } ## Specifying line numbers only works if we're displaying a single file only. if (!empty($line_numbers) && count($files) == 1) { if ($to_end_from >= 0) $line_numbers = array_merge($line_numbers, range($to_end_from, count($raw_lines) - 1)); $raw_lines = array_intersect_key($raw_lines, array_flip($line_numbers)); } $raw_text = implode("\n", $raw_lines); ## The 'no-pre' option means we shouldn't wrap the text in a
			$out[] = $noPre ? $raw_text : Keep("
\n" . $raw_text . "\n
\n"); } $out = implode($noPre ? "\n\n" : "", $out); } else if ($noJS) { include_once('simple_html_dom.php'); $json_content = json_decode(file_get_contents($embed_json_url),true); ## The style sheet. global $HTMLHeaderFmt; $HTMLHeaderFmt[] = "\n"; ## The HTML. $content_html = str_get_html(stripcslashes($json_content['div'])); $content = $content_html->find("div.gist", 0); $content->id = "gistEmbed_$id"; ## If specific files are specified, we simply delete the div.gist-file containers ## that contain files we don't want. if (!empty($files)) { $file_ids = preg_replace("/\./", "-", $files); $gist_file_blocks = $content_html->find("div.gist-file"); foreach ($gist_file_blocks as $gist_file_block) { if (!in_array(substr($gist_file_block->find("div.file", 0)->id, 5), $file_ids)) $gist_file_block->outertext = ''; } } ## Specifying line numbers only works if we're displaying a single file only. $displayed_gist_files = array_filter($content_html->find("div.gist-file"), function ($d) { return $d->outertext; }); if (!empty($line_numbers) && count($displayed_gist_files) == 1) { $lines = reset($displayed_gist_files)->find(".js-file-line-container tr"); if ($to_end_from >= 0) $line_numbers = array_merge($line_numbers, range($to_end_from, count($lines) - 1)); foreach ($lines as $l) { $line_num =$l->childNodes(0)->getAttribute('data-line-number'); if (!in_array(--$line_num, $line_numbers)) $l->outertext = ''; } } ## Highlighting specific line numbers only works if we're display a single file ## only. if (!empty($hl_line_numbers) && count($displayed_gist_files) == 1) { $lines = reset($displayed_gist_files)->find(".js-file-line-container tr"); if ($hl_to_end_from >= 0) $hl_line_numbers = array_merge($hl_line_numbers, range($hl_to_end_from, count($lines) - 1)); foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { if (in_array($i, $hl_line_numbers)) { $line->children(1)->class .= " gist-embed-highlighted-line"; } } } $out = Keep($content); } else { $out = Keep(""); ## If specific files are specified, we'll delete the div.gist-file containers ## that contain files we don't want (this script will run right after the script ## that adds the content in the first place). if (!empty($files)) { $files_js = preg_replace("/\./", "-", "[ '".implode("', '",$files)."' ]"); $out .= Keep(" "); } ## Specifying line numbers only works if we're displaying a single file only. if (!empty($line_numbers) || !empty($hl_line_numbers)) { $line_numbers_js = "[ ".implode(", ",$line_numbers)." ]"; $hl_line_numbers_js = "[ ".implode(", ",$hl_line_numbers)." ]"; $out .= Keep(" "); } GistEmbedAppendFooter(); } global $HTMLStylesFmt; if (!$raw && $noFooter) { $HTMLStylesFmt['gist-embed'][] = "#gistEmbed_$id .gist-meta { display: none; }\n"; $HTMLStylesFmt['gist-embed'][] = "#gistEmbed_$id .gist-data { border-bottom: none; border-radius: 2px; }\n"; } if (!$raw && $noLineNumbers) { $HTMLStylesFmt['gist-embed'][] = "#gistEmbed_$id td.js-line-number { display: none; }\n"; } GistEmbedInjectStyles(); $id++; return $out; } function GistEmbedAppendFooter() { static $ran_once = false; if (!$ran_once) { global $HTMLFooterFmt; $HTMLFooterFmt[] = "\n"; } $ran_once = true; } function GistEmbedInjectStyles() { static $ran_once = false; if (!$ran_once) { global $HTMLStylesFmt, $GistEmbedHighlightStyle; $styles = " .gistRaw .gist-embed-highlighted-line { $GistEmbedHighlightStyle display: inline-block; width: calc(100% + 4px); padding-left: 4px; margin-left: -4px; } .gist tr .gist-embed-highlighted-line { $GistEmbedHighlightStyle } "; $HTMLStylesFmt['gist-embed'][] = $styles; } $ran_once = true; }