helps defining dynamic month and year for each calendar and selection of dcalin entries y or year="num" defaults to current year m or month="num" defaults to current month ws or weekstart="num" default to sunday=0 defines the day in which weeknames will start wl or weekdaylength="num" defines the number of letters week names will have tt or title ="alpha num char" defaults to monthname tu or titleurl="alpha num char" defaults to nothing, a link to other place inside or outside the wiki pmu or prevmonthurl="alpha num char" defaults to (month - 1) nmu or nextmonthurl="alpha num char" defaults to (month + 1) pmd or prevmonthdecor="alpha num char" defaults to html entitie &lsaquo nmd or nextmonthdecor="alpha num char" defaults to html entitie &rsaquo pyu or prevyearhurl="alpha num char" defaults to (year - 1) nyu or nextyearurl="alpha num char" defaults to (year + 1) pyd or prevyeardecor="alpha num char" defaults to html entitie « nyd or nextyeardecor="alpha num char" defaults to html entitie » w or width="num + (%|px|em|ex)" defines width for the whole calendar dn or dynamic="num" make dcal accept parameters sent trough the GET and POST, store it in cookies (if >1) tp or type="alpha" [calendar|list] render a calendar or a list of days hd or header="num" defaults to 0 showing a caption with month and year, 1 shows a caption with month and year or linked title with provided titleurl (options above) 2 shows a caption with month and year plus links for previous and next month and year with or without provided links 3 shows a caption with a select form for month and year as the title sw or showeek="num" shows week number defaults to 0 (no show) sd or showday="num" shows day nymber defaults to 1 (show) swd or showeekday="num" shows week day names defaults to 1 (show) fmt or format="alpha num char" includes the format that will override dcalin format can be an entry in $DcalItemFmt or any page section :) CHANGELOG: ´´´´´´´´´´ * sanitize all dcal options and cookies we use * included $calid that uniquelly identifies each dcal and it is used in DcalSelect and DcalPrevNext * included long-form of fmt option for both dcalin and dcal * this recipe depends heavilly on unixtime and testing shows that we can only work with dates from the start of the era and the next date in wich problems will arise from using it. The start of the era is: 1970/01/01 00:00:00 Next unixtime problem: 19/02/2038 03:14:07 limits have been included in the script accordingly. I use a 32-bit system, perhaps in a 64-bit system these limits are not imposed. I'm 100% sure of this, if someone can help me out it will be appreciated. * included # sections to urls in DcalSelect and DcalPrevNext * fixed PRWeekly now it doesn't forget the first week * now PR functions will leave periodicity intact for new items * create styles for both views * fix styles for prevnext and select * fix styles for each viewgen * now dcal fmt is being respected and item['fmt'] too * included RetrieveSectionAuth for text option * removed DcalGetSection * changed fmt handling inside dcal * fixed dynamic cookie and request handling * included check to see if any css styles coming from files or from DcalStylesFmt are not already loaded in $HTMLHeaderFmt and HTMStylesFmt * added css file calling and css style calling to dcal * added title to dcalin * included default sizes in listgen and calgen * implemented yearly, monthly, weekly, daily events * changed DcaPrevNext and Select to use $args directly * included a title field to dcalin * implement a better fmt for dcal and dcalin * create a fmt option that works similarly to the pagelist one * implement duration * create periodicity handlers for yearly, weekly, monthly and daily * DcalListGen fully implemented * included option showeekday for DcalListGen * dcalin can set a different fmt for each entry but it is overuled by dcal fmt * created DcalItemFmt to help style each entry in dcal * created DcalFmtV variables that help formatting an entry * changed the way css styles work inside the script. *Still needs work* * separated calendar rendering from main dcal processing * separated DcalSelect and DcalPrevNext from Dcal * made dcal to process a new dcalin format * made dcalin store info differently from the old array style * Made DcalSelect work with and without javascript * changed firstday to weekstart * included option to change the name of each calendar title and titleurl * next and prev can include a link to somewhere else * use parameters sent trough $_POST for some vars (year|month|day) * included next and prev to change the calendar year * cleaned hour, minute, item loop * implement "showeek" option * removed "d or day="num" defaults to current day" from dcal markup * separated the script in different functions * changed a lot of stuff from first version that was done in 3 days on and off TODO: ´´´´´ * include options from get and post for other options ?!?!!? DOING: ´´´´´´ DONE: ´´´´´ * check PRWeekly - not working properly - DONE * acomodate PARTIAL ical parsing * start some testing with with iCal files inside wikipages it works, I could extract from iCal files, almost anything. This is for the future ... * fix showday, showeekday for listview * create mock-up for listview ... DONE * fix showeekday for calview * fix showday, showeekday for listview * fixed weeknamelength * fix $calgenargs * fix calls for prevnext and select * fixed periodicity handler in dcal BUGS: ´´´´ */ $RecipeInfo['dcal']['version'] = '20111001'; // A dedicatory // please don't remove // it does nothing $Dedicatory['CarlosAB'] = array( 'GP' => 'ESG-OZG-FB-AMB', 'P' => 'DZG-JAB', 'B' => 'LBS-TLB', 'FB' => 'JABJ-GB', 'SBL' => 'RS-RCDB', 'N' => 'SB-RJS-LCS' ); // page variables to be used with dcalin utime $FmtPV['$ULastModified'] = '$page["time"]'; // limit of entries for Dcalin SDV($DcalinItemLimit, 1000); // standsrd duration of an entry SDV($DcalinDefaultDuration, 30); // cookies expire in one hour SDV($DcalCookieExpire, ($Now+3600)); SDV($DcalFmtVars , array( 'year' => "date('Y',\$item['utime'])", 'month' => "date('n',\$item['utime'])", 'day' => "date('j',\$item['utime'])", 'hour' => "date('G',\$item['utime'])", 'minute' => "date('i',\$item['utime'])", 'link' => "\$item['link']", 'title' => "\$item['title']", 'text' => "\$item['text']", 'period' => "\$item['periodicity']", 'duration' => "\$item['duration']", 'dcalid' => "\$id" )); SDV($DcalPRHandler, array( 'yearly' => 'DcalPRYearly', 'monthly' => 'DcalPRMonthly', 'weekly' => 'DcalPRWeekly', 'daily' => 'DcalPRDaily' )); SDV($DcalStylesFmt, array( 'green' => ' div#green table.calgen caption.monthandyear { border:1px solid green; } div#green table.calgen { border:1px solid green; } div#green table.calgen td { border:1px solid green; } div#green table.calgen .colspan { background:#eee;border:1px solid green; } div#green table.calgen th { border:1px solid green; } div#green table.calgen div.daynumber { background:green; } div#green table.calgen .today { background:green; } div#green table.listgen caption.monthandyear { border:1px solid green; } div#green table.listgen { color:black;border:1px solid green; } div#green table.listgen table th { border:1px solid green; } ' )); SDV($DcalItemFmt , array( 'default' => '
{$year}/{$month}/{$day} {$hour}:{$minute}
', 'byside' => '
{$year}/{$month}/{$day} {$hour}:{$minute}
duration:{$duration} min
' )); // markup definitions for the Dcal recipe Markup('Dcal' , 'directives','/\\(:dcal(.*?):\\)/e' , "Keep(Dcal(\$pagename,PSS('$1')))"); SDVA($MarkupExpr, array('dcalin' => 'DcalIn($pagename,$argp)')); function DcalPRWeekly($pn,$y,$m,$a){ $utime = $a['utime']; $year = date('Y',$utime); $month= date('n',$utime); $hour = date('G',$utime); $minute = date('i',$utime); $daysmonth = date('t',$utime); $prevmonth = $month - 1; $daysprevmonth = date('t',mktime(0,0,1,$prevmonth,1,$year)); $lastweek = date('W',mktime(0,0,0,$month,$daysmonth,$year)); $prevweek = date('W',mktime(0,0,0,$prevmonth,$daysprevmonth, $year)); $weeksinmonth = ($lastweek - $prevweek)+1; $day = date('j',$utime); $cweek = ceil((date("d", $utime) - date("w",$utime)-1)/7)+1; $beforeweeks = $cweek-1; $afterweeks = $weeksinmonth - $cweek ; if($y == $year && $m == $month){ if($beforeweeks >= 1){ $beforetime = mktime($hour,$minute,30,$m,$day,$y); for($bf=1;$bf<=$beforeweeks;$bf++){ $beforetime = $beforetime - 604800; $tbitem = $a; $tbitem['utime'] = $beforetime; $tmpitems[] = $tbitem; } } if($weeksinmonth > $afterweeks){ $aftertime = mktime($hour,$minute,30,$m,$day,$y); for($af=1;$af<=$afterweeks;$af++){ $aftertime = $aftertime + 604800; $taitem = $a; $taitem['utime'] = $aftertime; $tmpitems[] = $taitem; } } }else{ $weektime = mktime($hour,$minute,30,$m,$day,$y); for($wi=1;$wi<=$weeksinmonth;$wi++){ if($wi > 1) $weektime = $weektime + 604800; $twitem = $a; $twitem['utime'] = $weektime; $tmpitems[] = $twitem; } } return $tmpitems; } function DcalPRYearly($pn,$y,$m,$a){ $utime = $a['utime']; $year = date('Y',$utime); $month= date('n',$utime); $day = date('j',$utime); $hour = date('G',$utime); $minute = date('i',$utime); if($year != $y){ $yearlytime = mktime($hour,$minute,30,$month,$day,$y); $tyitem = $a; $tyitem['utime'] = $yearlytime; $tmpitem[] = $tyitem; return $tmpitem; } } function DcalPRMonthly($pn,$y,$m,$a){ $utime = $a['utime']; $year = date('Y',$utime); $month= date('n',$utime); $day = date('j',$utime); $hour = date('G',$utime); $minute = date('i',$utime); if($month != $m){ $monthlytime = mktime($hour,$minute,30,$m,$day,$y); $tmitem = $a; $tmitem['utime'] = $monthlytime; $tmpitem[] = $tmitem; return $tmpitem; } } function DcalPRDaily($pn,$y,$m,$a){ global $DcalItems; $utime = $a['utime']; $year = date('Y',$utime); $month= date('n',$utime); $day = date('j',$utime); $hour = date('G',$utime); $minute = date('i',$utime); $daysinmonth = date('t',mktime(0,0,1,$m,1,$y)); if($m == $month && $y == $year){ for($mi=1;$mi<=$daysinmonth;$mi++){ if($mi != $day){ $dailytime = mktime($hour,$minute,30,$m,$mi,$y); $tditem = $a; $tditem['utime'] = $dailytime; $tmpitems[] = $tditem; } } }else{ for($mi=1;$mi<=$daysinmonth;$mi++){ $dailytime = mktime($hour,$minute,30,$m,$mi,$y); $tditem = $a; $tditem['utime'] = $dailytime; $tmpitems[] = $tditem; } } return $tmpitems; } function DcalIn($pagename,$args){ StopWatch('Dcalin begin'); global $DcalinItemLimit,$DcalinDefaultDuration, $DcalItems,$Now; // parse args $a = $args; //makes keys lower case $a = array_change_key_case($a,CASE_LOWER); // today year, month, day, hour and minute $tyear = strftime('%Y',$Now) * 1; $tmonth = strftime('%m',$Now) * 1; $tday = strftime('%d',$Now) * 1; $thour = strftime('%H',$Now) * 1; $tmin = strftime('%M',$Now) * 1; // options and shortcuts if(@$a['id']) $id = @$a['id']; else $id = 'dcal'; if(@$a['utime'] != '' && @$a['utime'] >= 0 && @$a['utime'] <= 2147483647) $utime = $a['utime']; elseif(@$a['ut'] != '' && @$a['ut'] >= 0 && @$a['ut'] <= 2147483647) $utime = $a['ut']; else $utime = ''; if(@$a['year'] != '' && @$a['year'] >= 1970 && @$a['year'] <= 2038) $year = $a['year']; elseif(@$a['y'] != '' && @$a['y'] >= 1970 && @$a['y'] <= 2038) $year = $a['y']; elseif($utime != '') $year = strftime('%Y',$utime); else $year = $tyear; $year = $year * 1; if(@$a['month'] != '' && @$a['month'] >= 1 && @$a['month'] <= 12)$month = $a['month']; elseif(@$a['m'] != '' && @$a['m'] >= 1 && @$a['m'] <= 12) $month = $a['m']; elseif($utime != '') $month = strftime('%m',$utime); else $month = $tmonth; if($year == 2038 && $month > 2) $month = 2; $month = $month * 1; if(@$a['day'] != '' && @$a['day'] >= 1 && @$a['day'] <= 31) $day = $a['day']; elseif(@$a['d'] != '' && @$a['d'] >= 1 && @$a['d'] <= 31) $day = $a['d']; elseif($utime != '') $day = strftime('%d',$utime); else $day = $tday; if($year == 2038 && $month == 2 && $day > 19 ) $day = 19 ; $day = $day * 1; if(@$a['hour'] != '' && @$a['hour'] >= 0 && @$a['hour'] <= 23) $hour = $a['hour']; elseif(@$a['h'] != '' && @$a['h'] >= 0 && @$a['h'] <= 23) $hour = $a['h']; elseif($utime != '') $hour = strftime('%H',$utime); else $hour = $thour; if($year == 2038 && $month == 2 && $day == 19 && $hour > 3) $hour = 3 ; $hour = $hour * 1; if(@$a['min'] != '' && @$a['min'] >= 0 && @$a['min'] <= 59) $min = $a['min']; elseif(@$a['mn'] != '' && @$a['mn'] >= 0 && @$a['mn'] <= 59) $min = $a['mn']; elseif($utime != '') $min = strftime('%M',$utime); else $min = $tmin; if($year == 2038 && $month == 2 && $day == 19 && $hour == 3 && $min > 6) $min = 6 ; $min = $min * 1; // we create unix time just to be sure $itime = mktime($hour,$min,1,$month,$day,$year); // empty string $empty = XL('empty'); // DcalItems items if(@$a['format'] != '') $fmt = $a['format']; if(@$a['fmt'] != '') $fmt = $a['fmt']; else $fmt = "default"; if(@$a['link'] != '') $link = $a['link']; elseif(@$a['ln'] != '') $link = urlencode($a['ln']); else $link = $empty; if(@$a['title'] != '') $title = $a['title']; elseif(@$a['tt'] != '') $title = $a['tt']; else $title = $empty; if(@$a['text'] != '') $text = $a['text']; elseif(@$a['tx'] != '') $text = $a['tx']; else $text = $empty; if(@$a['periodicity'] != '') $periodicity = strtolower($a['periodicity']); elseif(@$a['pr'] != '') $periodicity = strtolower($a['pr']); else $periodicity = 'normal' ; if(@$a['duration'] != '') $duration = $a['duration']; elseif(@$a['dr'] != '') $duration = $a['dr']; else $duration = $DcalinDefaultDuration; static $DcalinItemCounter=0; if( $DcalinItemCounter <= $DcalinItemLimit ){ $DcalItems[] = array( 'id' => $id, #-------------- 'utime' => $itime, 'periodicity' => @$periodicity, 'duration' => @$duration, #-------------- 'link' => @$link , 'title' => @$title, 'text' => @$text, 'format' => @$fmt ); $DcalinItemCounter++; } StopWatch('Dcalin end'); } // dcal function that processes all the vars and options // and passes it on to the function that will render the calendar function Dcal($pagename,$args){ StopWatch('Dcal begin'); global $HTMLHeaderFmt,$HTMLStylesFmt,$DcalStylesFmt, $FarmPubDirUrl,$PubDirUrl,$DcalItems,$FarmD, $DcalCookieExpire,$DcalItemFmt, $DcalFmtVars,$DcalPRHandler,$Now; // today year, month, day, hour and minute $tyear = strftime('%Y',$Now) * 1; $tmonth = strftime('%m',$Now) * 1; $tweek = date('W') * 1; $tday = strftime('%d',$Now) * 1; $thour = strftime('%H',$Now) * 1; $tmin = strftime('%M',$Now) * 1; // retrieve PageUrl $pageurl = PageVar($pagename, '$PageUrl'); // parse args $a = ParseArgs($args); //makes keys lower case $a = array_change_key_case($a,CASE_LOWER); // uniquelly identifies this calendar // 5 alphanumeric chars are enough $calid = substr(md5($args),1,9); // empty string $empty = XL('empty'); // options and shortcuts if(@$a['id'] != '') $id = @$a['id']; else $id = 'dcal'; if(@$a['utime'] != '' && @$a['utime'] >= 0 && @$a['utime'] <= 2147483647) $utime = $a['utime']; elseif(@$a['ut'] != '' && @$a['ut'] >= 0 && @$a['ut'] <= 2147483647) $utime = $a['ut']; else $utime = ''; if(@$a['year'] != '' && @$a['year'] >= 1970 && @$a['year'] <= 2038) $year = $a['year']; elseif(@$a['y'] != '' && @$a['y'] >= 1970 && @$a['y'] <= 2038) $year = $a['y']; elseif($utime != '') $year = strftime('%Y',$utime); else $year = $tyear; $year = $year * 1; if(@$a['month'] != '' && @$a['month'] >= 1 && @$a['month'] <= 12)$month = $a['month']; elseif(@$a['m'] != '' && @$a['m'] >= 1 && @$a['m'] <= 12) $month = $a['m']; elseif($utime != '') $month = strftime('%m',$utime); else $month = $tmonth; if($year == 2038 && $month > 2) $month = 2; $month = $month * 1; if(@$a['type'] != '') $type = $a['type']; elseif(@$a['tp'] != '') $type = $a['tp']; else $type = 'calendar'; if(@$a['dynamic'] != '') $dynamic = $a['dynamic']; elseif(@$a['dn'] != '') $dynamic = $a['dn']; else $dynamic = 0; if($dynamic > 2) $dynamic = 2; if(@$a['header'] != '') $header = $a['header']; elseif(@$a['hd'] != '') $header = $a['hd']; else $header = 0; if($header > 3) $header = 3; if(@$a['title'] != '') $title = $a['title']; elseif(@$a['tt'] != '') $title = $a['tt']; else $title = $empty; if(@$a['titleurl'] != '') $titleurl = $a['titleurl']; elseif(@$a['tu'] != '') $titleurl = $a['tu']; else $titleurl = $empty;; if(@$a['showeek'] != '') $showeek = $a['showeek']; elseif(@$a['sw']) $showeek = $a['sw']; else $showeek = 0; if($showeek > 1) $showeek = 1; if(@$a['showday'] != '') $showday = $a['showday']; elseif(@$a['sd'] != '') $showday = $a['sd']; else $showday = 1; if($showday > 1) $showday = 1; if(@$a['showeekday'] != '') $showeekday = $a['showeekday']; elseif(@$a['swd'] != '') $showeekday = $a['swd']; else $showeekday = 1; if($showeekday > 1) $showeekday = 1; if(@$a['weekstart'] != '') $weekstart = $a['weekstart']; elseif(@$a['ws'] != '') $weekstart = $a['ws']; else $weekstart = 0; if($weekstart > 6) $weekstart = 6; if($weekstart < 0) $weekstart = 0; if(@$a['weekdaylength'] != '') $weekdaylength = $a['weekdaylength']; elseif(@$a['wl'] != '') $weekdaylength = $a['wl']; else $weekdaylength = 3; if($weekdaylenght > 15) $weekstart = 15; if(@$a['width'] != '') $width = $a['width']; elseif(@$a['w'] != '') $width = $a['w']; else $width = '100%'; if(@$a['prevmonthurl'] != '') $prevmonthurl = $a['prevmonthurl']; elseif(@$a['pmu'] != '') $prevmonthurl = $a['pmu']; else $prevmonthurl = ''; if($prevmonthurl != '') $prevmonthurl = urlencode($prevmonthurl); if(@$a['nextmonthurl'] != '') $nextmonthurl = $a['nextmonthurl']; elseif(@$a['nmu'] != '') $nextmonthurl = $a['nmu']; else $nextmonthurl = ''; if($nextmonthurl != '') $nextmonthurl = urlencode($nextmonthurl); if(@$a['prevyearurl'] != '') $prevyearurl = $a['prevyearurl']; elseif(@$a['pyu'] != '') $prevyearurl = $a['pyu']; else $prevyearurl = ''; if($prevyearurl != '') $prevyearurl = urlencode($prevyearurl); if(@$a['nextyearurl'] != '') $nextyearurl = $a['nextyearurl']; elseif(@$a['nyu'] != '') $nextyearurl = $a['nyu']; else $nextyearurl = ''; if($nextyearurl != '') $nextyearurl = urlencode($nextyearurl); if(@$a['prevmonthdecor'] != '') $prevmonthdecor = $a['prevmonthdecor']; elseif(@$a['pmd'] != '') $prevmonthdecor = $a['pmd']; else $prevmonthdecor = "‹"; if(@$a['nextmonthdecor'] != '') $nextmonthdecor = $a['nextmonthdecor']; elseif(@$a['nmd'] != '') $nextmonthdecor = $a['nmd']; else $nextmonthdecor = "›"; if(@$a['prevyeardecor'] != '') $prevyeardecor = $a['prevyeardecor']; elseif(@$a['pyd'] != '') $prevyeardecor = $a['pyd']; else $prevyeardecor = "«"; if(@$a['nextyeardecor'] != '') $nextyeardecor = $a['nextyeardecor']; elseif(@$a['nyd'] != '') $nextyeardecor = $a['nyd']; else $nextyeardecor = "»"; if(@$a['fmt'] != '') $fmt = $a['fmt']; if(@$DcalItemFmt[$fmt] != '') $fmt = $DcalItemFmt[$fmt]; elseif(strpos(@$fmt,'#') !== false) $fmt = RetrieveAuthSection($pagename,$fmt); if(@$fmt == false) $fmt = ''; if($dynamic >= 1){ $input = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); $cookie = $_COOKIE; $requestid = @$input['id']; $requestyear = @$input['year']; $requestmonth = @$input['month']; $cookieidyear = @$cookie['dcal'][$id]['year']; $cookieidmonth = @$cookie['dcal'][$id]['month']; if($id == $requestid && $requestid != '' && $requestyear != '' && $requestmonth != '' && is_numeric($requestyear) && is_numeric($requestmonth)){ $dyear = $requestyear * 1 ; $dmonth = $requestmonth * 1; }elseif($cookieidyear != '' && $cookieidmonth != '' ){ $dyear = $cookieidyear ; $dmonth = $cookieidmonth; } // store cookie with year and month if($dynamic >= 2){ if($id == $requestid && $requestyear != '' && $requestmonth != '' && $requestid != '' && is_numeric($requestyear) && is_numeric($requestmonth) && isset($dyear) && is_numeric($dyear) && isset($dmonth) && is_numeric($dmonth)){ setcookie('dcal['.$requestid.'][month]',$dmonth,$DcalCookieExpire); setcookie('dcal['.$requestid.'][year]',$dyear,$DcalCookieExpire); } } // dynamic year and month if(isset($dyear) && is_numeric($dyear) && $year >=0 && $year <= 9999) $year = $dyear; if(isset($dmonth) && is_numeric($dyear) && $dmonth <= 12 && $dmonth >=1) $month = $dmonth; } // search path for $id.css file, if any // took it from blogcal if(!isset($FarmPubDirUrl)) $FarmPubDirUrl = $PubDirUrl; SDV($DcalCssFileListFmt, array ( "pub/dcal/$id.css" => "$PubDirUrl/dcal/$id.css", "$FarmD/pub/dcal/$id.css" => "$FarmPubDirUrl/dcal/$id.css" )); // load table styles for current dcal calendar from files foreach((array)$DcalCssFileListFmt as $k=>$v) { if(file_exists(FmtPageName($k,$pagename))){ if(!isset($HTMLHeaderFmt['dcal'.$id])) $HTMLHeaderFmt['dcal'.$id] = "\n"; } } // load css styles from $DcalStylesFmt if(isset($DcalStylesFmt[$id])){ if(!isset($HTMLStylesFmt['dcal'.$id])) $HTMLStylesFmt['dcal'.$id] = $DcalStylesFmt[$id]; } // days in current month $daysinmonth = date('t',mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); // handle periodicity foreach($DcalItems as $k => $item){ $itempr = strtolower($item['periodicity']); if($itempr != 'normal' && @$DcalPRHandler[$itempr] != ''){ $prhandler = $DcalPRHandler[$itempr]; $newitems = $prhandler($pagename,$year,$month,$item); if(is_array($newitems)) foreach($newitems as $k => $n) $PRSelect[] = $n; $prhandler = ''; $newitems = ''; } } // create InternalItems $InternalItems = $DcalItems; if(is_array(@$PRSelect)){ foreach($PRSelect as $k => $item) $InternalItems[] = $item; } // select per current id, year and month for($s1=0;$s1<=(count($InternalItems)-1);$s1++){ if(isset($InternalItems[$s1]['id'])){ $itemid = &$InternalItems[$s1]['id']; $itemyear = strftime('%Y',$InternalItems[$s1]['utime']); $itemonth = strftime('%m',$InternalItems[$s1]['utime']); if($itemid == $id && $itemyear == $year && $itemonth == $month){ $YearMonthSelect[] = $InternalItems[$s1]; } } } if(is_array(@$YearMonthSelect)){ //sort array ascending by secondary key foreach($YearMonthSelect as $k => $r) $t[$k] = $r['utime']; array_multisort($t,SORT_ASC,$YearMonthSelect); // creat new day selection of items for($s2=0;$s2<=(count(@$YearMonthSelect)-1);$s2++){ for($ds=1;$ds<=$daysinmonth;$ds++){ $itemday = date('j',$YearMonthSelect[$s2]['utime']); if($itemday == $ds){ @$DaySelect[$ds][] = $YearMonthSelect[$s2]; } } } // create final format for each day in a new var for($s3=1;$s3<=$daysinmonth;$s3++){ if(@$DaySelect[$s3] != ''){ for($s4=0;$s4<=(count($DaySelect[$s3])-1);$s4++){ if($DaySelect[$s3][$s4] != ''){ $item = $DaySelect[$s3][$s4]; if(strpos($item['text'],'#') !== false) $item['text'] = RetrieveAuthSection($pagename,$item['text']); $item['text'] = MarkupToHTML($pagename,$item['text']); if($fmt != ''){ $tmpfmt = $fmt; }else{ $itemfmt = $item['format']; if(@$DcalItemFmt[$itemfmt] != ''){ $tmpfmt = $DcalItemFmt[$itemfmt]; }elseif(strpos($itemfmt,'#') !== false){ $tmpfmt = RetrieveAuthSection($pagename,$itemfmt); $tohtml = 1; } if($tmpfmt == false) $tmpfmt = $DcalItemFmt['default']; if($tmpfmt == '') $tmpfmt = $DcalItemFmt['default']; } foreach($DcalFmtVars as $k => $v){ $v = eval("return $v;"); $tmpfmt = preg_replace('/\\{\\$'.$k.'\\}/',$v,$tmpfmt); } if(@$tohtml == 1){ $tmpfmt = MarkupToHTML($pagename,$tmpfmt); $tohtml = ''; } @$FinalDayFmt[$s3] .= $tmpfmt; $tmpfmt = ''; } } } } } //if is array // array for calling DcalCalGen // and DcalListGen $calgenargs = array( 'id' => $id, 'calid' => $calid, 'year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'tyear' => $tyear, 'tmonth' => $tmonth, 'tday' => $tday, 'title' => $title, 'titleurl' => $titleurl, 'dynamic' => $dynamic, 'width' => $width, 'header' => $header, 'showeek' => $showeek, 'showday' => $showday, 'showeekday' => $showeekday, 'weekdaylength' => $weekdaylength, 'weekstart' => $weekstart, 'pageurl' => $pageurl, 'prevmonthurl' => $prevmonthurl, 'prevmonthdecor' => $prevmonthdecor, 'nextmonthurl' => $nextmonthurl, 'nextmonthdecor' => $nextmonthdecor, 'prevyearurl' => $prevyearurl, 'prevyeardecor' => $prevyeardecor, 'nextyearurl' => $nextyearurl, 'nextyeardecor' => $nextyeardecor ); // hold outuput of DcalCalGen // or DcalListGen if($type == 'calendar'){ $out = DcalCalGen($pagename, $calgenargs); }elseif($type == 'list'){ $out = DcalListGen($pagename, $calgenargs); } // FmtPageName the output o dcalgens $out = FmtPageName($out,$pagename); // replace hardcoded days // with content for($i=1;$i<=$daysinmonth;$i++){ if(@$FinalDayFmt[$i]!= '') $out = preg_replace('/\\{day'.$i.'\\}/',@$FinalDayFmt[$i],$out); else $out = preg_replace('/\\{day'.$i.'\\}/',' ',$out); } StopWatch('Dcal end'); return $out; } function DcalCalGen($pagename,$args){ global $HTMLStylesFmt,$DcalCalGenStyle; StopWatch('DcalCalGen begin'); foreach($args as $a => $v) $$a = $v; SDV($DcalCalGenStyle , " table.calgen caption.monthandyear { padding:.2ex;border:1px solid black;font-size:1.2em } table.calgen { margin:0;padding:0;border-collapse:collapse;color:black; border:1px solid black;width:100%; } table.calgen .td { width:15%;padding:0;border:1px solid black; } table.calgen .colspan { background:#eee;padding:1px;border:1px solid black; } table.calgen table th { border:1px solid black; } table.calgen .week { text-align:center;width:5%; } table.calgen div.daynumber { width:2em;margin:0;padding:0;text-align:center;background:black; color:white;display:block; } table.calgen .today { background:#ccc; } "); if(!isset($HTMLStylesFmt['dcalcalgen'])){ $HTMLStylesFmt['dcalcalgen'] = $DcalCalGenStyle; } // gen vars $firstofmonth = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year); $daysinmonth = date('t',@$firstofmonth); $weekday = ((strftime('%w',$firstofmonth))+7-$weekstart)%7; // adjust for $firstday $monthname = strftime('%B',$firstofmonth); $week = date('W',$firstofmonth) * 1; // month name and link if(@$title) $title = ucfirst($title); else $title = "$[".ucfirst($monthname).'] '.$year; if(@$titleurl) $titlelinked = ''.$title.''; else $titlelinked = $title ; // include titlelinked in args $args['titlelinked'] = $titlelinked; // prev next args // Begin calendar $out = ""; $out .= '
'; $out .= ''; if(@$header == 3){ $out .= ''; }elseif(@$header == 2){ $out .= ''; }elseif(@$header == 1){ $out .= '' ; }else{ $out .= ''; } // generate all the day names according to the current locale $daynames = array(); for($n=0,$t=(4+$weekstart)*86400; $n<7; $n++,$t+=86400){ // January 4, 1970 was a Sunday $daynames[$n] = ucfirst(strftime('%A',$t)); // %A means full textual day name } // shown week names ($weeknamelength > 0) if >3 full name will be printed if($showeekday){ $out .= ''; if(@$showeek) $out .= ''; foreach($daynames as $dn){ $out .= ''; else $out .= '$['.$dn.']'; } $out .= ''; } $out .= ''; // initial 'empty' days if(@$showeek){ if(@$weekday > 0){ $out .= ''; }else{ $out .= ''; } }else{ if(@$weekday > 0){ $out .= ''; } } // start loop for($day=1,$dm = $daysinmonth; $day<=$dm; $day++,$weekday++){ if(@$weekday == 7){ $weekday = 0; // start a new week $week = $week + 1; $out .= ""; if(@$showeek){ $out .= ''; } } // Is it today? if($year == $tyear && $month == $tmonth && $day == $tday) $today = 1; else $today = 0 ; if($today == 1) $out .= ''; } /*end loop*/ if($weekday != 7) { // remaining "empty" days $out .= ''; } $out .= '
'. DcalSelect($pagename,$args).''. DcalPrevNext($pagename,$args).''.$titlelinked.''.$title.'
$[Week]'; if($weekdaylength < 4) $out .= "$[".substr($dn,0,$weekdaylength).']
'.$week. ' 
'.$week.''; else $out .= '' ; if($showday) $out .= '
'; $out .= '{day'.$day.'}
'; StopWatch('DcalCalGen end'); return $out; } function DcalListGen($pagename,$args){ global $HTMLStylesFmt,$DcalListGenStyle; StopWatch('DcalListGen end'); foreach($args as $a => $v) $$a = $v; SDV($DcalListGenStyle , " table.listgen caption.monthandyear { padding:.2ex;border:1px solid black;font-size:1.2em; } table.listgen { margin:0;padding:0;border-collapse:collapse;color:black; border:1px solid black;width:100%; } table.listgen table th { border:1px solid black; } table.listgen .week { text-align:center;width:5%; } "); if(!isset($HTMLStylesFmt['dcallistgen'])){ $HTMLStylesFmt['dcallistgen'] = $DcalListGenStyle; } // gen vars $firstofmonth = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year); $daysinmonth = date('t',@$firstofmonth); $weekday = ((strftime('%w',$firstofmonth))+7-$weekstart)%7; // adjust for $firstday $monthname = strftime('%B',$firstofmonth); $week = date('W',$firstofmonth) * 1; // month name and link if(@$title) $title = ucfirst($title); else $title = "$[".ucfirst($monthname).'] '.$year; if(@$titleurl) $titlelinked = ''.$title.''; else $titlelinked = $title ; // include titlelinked in args $args['titlelinked'] = $titlelinked; // generate all the day names $daynames = array(); for($n=0,$t=(4+$weekstart)*86400; $n<7; $n++,$t+=86400){ // January 4, 1970 was a Sunday $daynames[$n] = ucfirst(strftime('%A',$t)); } // Begin list $out = ""; $out .= '
'; $out .= ''; if(@$header == 3){ $out .= ''; }elseif(@$header == 2){ $out .= ''; }elseif(@$header == 1){ $out .= '' ; }else{ $out .= ''; } // generate header $out .= ""; if($showeek == 1) $out .= ''; if($showeekday == 1) $out .= ''; if($showday == 1) $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ""; // start body $out .= ""; // start loop for($day=1,$dm = $daysinmonth; $day<=$dm; $day++,$weekday++){ if($weekday == 7){ $weekday = 0; // start a new week $week = $week + 1; } $dayname = $daynames[$weekday]; $weekbreak = $dm-7; $out .= ""; if($showeek == 1){ if($day <= $weekbreak && $day == 1 && $weekday == 0) $out .= ''; if($day <= $weekbreak && $day == 1 && $weekday > 0) $out .= ''; if($day <= $weekbreak && $day > 1 && $weekday == 0) $out .= ''; if($day > $weekbreak && $day > 1 && $weekday == 0) $out .= ''; } if($showeekday == 1){ $out .= ''; } if($showday == 1) $out .= ''; $out .= '"; } //end of loop // end body $out .= "
'. DcalSelect($pagename,$args).''. DcalPrevNext($pagename,$args).''.$titlelinked.''.$title.'
'.$week.''.$week.''.$week.''.$week.''; if($weekdaylength < 4) $out .= '$['.substr($dayname,0,$weekdaylength).']'; else $out .= '$['.$dayname.']$['.$day.']'; $out .= '{day'.$day.'}'; $out .= "
"; StopWatch('DcalListGen end'); return $out; } function DcalPrevNext($pn,$args){ global $HTMLStylesFmt,$DcalPrevNextStyles; StopWatch('DcalPrevNext end'); if($pn == '' || $args == '') return; // unfold args foreach($args as $a => $v) $$a = $v; SDV($DcalPrevNextStyles , " .dcalprevyear { margin:.2ex;text-decoration:none; } .dcalprevyear a { text-decoration:none; } .dcalnextyear { margin:.2ex;text-decoration:none; } .dcalnextyear a { text-decoration:none; } .dcalprevmonth { margin:.2ex;text-decoration:none; } .dcalprevmonth a { text-decoration:none; } .dcalnextmonth { margin:.2ex;text-decoration:none; } .dcalnextmonth a { text-decoration:none; } "); if(!isset($HTMLStylesFmt['dccalprevnext'])){ $HTMLStylesFmt['dcalprevnext'] = $DcalPrevNextStyles; } // minus/plus months $m = $month; $mP1 = ($m<=11)?$m+1:($m+1)-12; $mM1 = ($m>=2)?$m-1:12; // minus/plus years $y = $year; $yP1 = $y+1; $yM1 = $y-1; // setting urls for prev and next month and year if(@$prevmonthurl) continue; else{ if($month < 1 ){ $prevmonthurl = $pageurl."?id=".$id."'&month=12&year=".$yM1."#dcal-".$calid; }else{ $prevmonthurl = $pageurl."?id=".$id."&month=".$mM1."&year=".$year."#dcal-".$calid; } } if(@$nextmonthurl) continue; else{ if($month > 12){ $nextmonthurl = $pageurl."?id=".$id."&month=1&year=".$yP1."#dcal-".$calid; }else{ $nextmonthurl = $pageurl."?id=".$id."&month=".$mP1."&year=".$year."#dcal-".$calid; } } if(@$prevyearurl) continue; else{ $prevyearurl = $pageurl."?id=".$id."&month=".$month."&year=".$yM1."#dcal-".$calid; } if(@$nextyearurl) continue; else{ $nextyearurl = $pageurl."?id=".$id."&month=".$month."&year=".$yP1."#dcal-".$calid; } // create links for prev and next year and month $prevmonth = ''. ''. $prevmonthdecor.' '; $nextmonth = ' '. ''. $nextmonthdecor.''; $prevyear = ''. ''. $prevyeardecor.' '; $nextyear = ' '. ''. $nextyeardecor.''; $prevnexts = $prevyear.$prevmonth.$titlelinked.$nextmonth.$nextyear; StopWatch('DcalPrevNext end'); return $prevnexts; } function DcalSelect($pn,$args){ global $HTMLStylesFmt,$DcalSelectStyles; StopWatch('DcalSelect begin'); if($pn == '' || $args == '' ) return; // unfold args foreach($args as $a => $v) $$a = $v; SDV($DcalSelectStyles , " .dcalselect { margin:0; } .dcalselectblock { margin:.2ex;display:inline-block; } .dcalselectblock form { margin:0;padding:0; } "); if(!isset($HTMLStylesFmt['dcalselect'])){ $HTMLStylesFmt['dcalselect'] = $DcalSelectStyles; } // minus/plus months $m = $month; $mP5 = ($m<=7)?$m+5:($m+5)-12; $mP4 = ($m<=8)?$m+4:($m+4)-12; $mP3 = ($m<=9)?$m+3:($m+3)-12; $mP2 = ($m<=10)?$m+2:($m+2)-12; $mP1 = ($m<=11)?$m+1:($m+1)-12; $mM1 = ($m>=2)?$m-1:12; $mM2 = ($m>=3)?$m-2:(12-2)+$m; $mM3 = ($m>=4)?$m-3:(12-3)+$m; $mM4 = ($m>=5)?$m-4:(12-4)+$m; $mM5 = ($m>=6)?$m-5:(12-5)+$m; // minus/plus years $y = $year; $yP5 = $y+5; $yP4 = $y+4; $yP3 = $y+3; $yP2 = $y+2; $yP1 = $y+1; $yM1 = $y-1; $yM2 = $y-2; $yM3 = $y-3; $yM4 = $y-4; $yM5 = $y-5; $selectmonthyear = '
'. '
'. ''. ' '. ' '. ''. '
'; $selectprevmonth = '
'. '
'. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
'; $selectnextmonth = '
'. '
'. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
'; $selectprevyear = '
'. '
'. ''. ''. ''. ''. '
'; $selectnextyear = '
'. '
'. ''. ''. ''. ''. '
'; $selects = $selectprevyear.$selectprevmonth.$selectmonthyear. $selectnextmonth.$selectnextyear; $selects = '
'; StopWatch('DcalSelect end'); return $selects; }