* * Adds actions to delete & restore deleted attachments, as * well as an attachlist replacement to use those actions, * show file types and list attachment references. * * Developed and tested using the PmWiki 2.2 series. * * To install, add the following line to your configuration file : include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/attachtable/attachtable.php"); * * For more information, please see the online documentation at * http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Attachtable * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ $RecipeInfo['Attachtable']['Version'] = '2009-04-29'; if ( !IsEnabled($EnableUpload,0) ) return; ## set a few values that we depend on in case upload.php hasn't been included yet SDVA( $HandleAuth, array( 'upload' => 'upload', 'download' => 'read') ); SDV( $HandleAuth['postupload'], $HandleAuth['upload'] ); ## set the default Attachtable authorization levels -- order is important for proper inheritance SDVA( $HandleAuth, array( 'delattach' => $HandleAuth['upload'], # deleting a file from PmWiki while keeping it on disk 'deldelattach' => $HandleAuth['attr'], # deleting a file from disk ) ); SDVA( $HandleAuth, array( 'undelattach' => $HandleAuth['delattach'], # restoring a file 'renameattach' => $HandleAuth['delattach'] # renaming a file ) ); SDVA( $HandleAuth, array( 'downloaddeleted' => $HandleAuth['undelattach'] # download a deleted file ) ); XLSDV( 'en', array( 'ULdelsuccess' => 'successfully deleted', 'ULundelsuccess' => 'successfully restored', 'ULrenamesuccess' => 'successfully renamed', 'ULisdir' => 'can\'t act on directory', 'ULdelfail' => 'file delete error', 'ULrenamefail' => 'file rename error' ) ); Markup( 'attachtable', 'directives', '/\\(:attachtable\\s*(.*?):\\)/ei', "Keep(FmtAttachtable(\$pagename,PSS('$1')))"); SDV( $AttachtablePubDirUrl, "$PubDirUrl/attachtable" ); SDV( $AttachtableCSS, "$AttachtablePubDirUrl/attachtable.css" ); if (!empty( $AttachtableCSS )) $HTMLHeaderFmt['attachtable-css'] = "\n"; include_once('attachtable-util.php'); function AttachtableCountUploadLinks( $pagename, $imap, $path, $alt='', $txt='', $fmt=NULL ) { global $UploadFileFmt, $AttachtableReferences; if (preg_match( '!^(.*)/([^/]+)$!', $path, $match )) { $pn_upload = MakePageName( $pagename, $match[1] ); $path = $match[2]; } else $pn_upload = $pagename; $upname = MakeUploadName( $pn_upload, $path ); $filepath = FmtPageName( "$UploadFileFmt/$upname", $pn_upload ); $AttachtableReferences[$filepath][] = $pagename; return ''; } ## show attachments ## based on FmtUploadList in upload.php function FmtAttachtable($pagename, $args) { global $PubDirUrl, $UploadDir, $UploadPrefixFmt, $UploadUrlFmt, $TimeFmt, $HandleAuth, $EnableUploadOverwrite, $EnableUploadVersions, $EnableDirectDownload, $EnableAttachtableSortable, $EnableAttachtableFileInfo, $AttachtableDataFields, $AttachtableShowRows, $AttachtableDefaultFilter, $AttachtableReferences, $AttachtablePubDirUrl; SDV( $AttachtableDataFields, array( 'fileinfo', 'name', 'size', 'references', 'modtime', 'mimetype' ) ); SDV( $AttachtableShowRows, array( 'header', 'normal', 'deleted', 'linkonly', 'footer' ) ); $opt = ParseArgs($args); ## page to list attachments for if (@$opt[''][0]) $pagename = MakePageName($pagename, $opt[''][0]); ## filter to inc/exclude files based on their name $filter = empty($opt['filter']) ? @$AttachtableDefaultFilter : str_replace( '$', '(?:,\d+)?$', $opt['filter'] ); ## filter to include files based on their extension if (!empty( $opt['ext'] )) { $filter = (array)$filter; $filter[] = '/\\.(' . implode( '|', preg_split('/\\W+/', $opt['ext'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) ) . ')(?:,[0-9]+)?$/i'; } ## (dis)allow re-sorting table $sortable = ( IsEnabled( $EnableAttachtableSortable, 0 ) && !in_array( 'sortable', (array)$opt['-'] ) ); ## data columns to show if ( array_key_exists('data',$opt) ) switch( $opt['data'] ) { case 'all': $data = array( 'fileinfo', 'name', 'size', 'references', 'modtime', 'mimetype', 'filetype' ); break; case 'none': $data = array('name'); break; case 'default': $data = array_unique($AttachtableDataFields); break; default: $data = array_unique( preg_split( '/\\W+/', $opt['data'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ) ); } else $data = array_unique($AttachtableDataFields); if ( !IsEnabled( $EnableAttachtableFileInfo, 0 ) && ( ( $key = array_search('fileinfo',$data) ) !== FALSE ) ) unset( $data[$key] ); if ( count($data) && !in_array('name',$data) ) { if ( ( $k=array_search('fileinfo',$data) ) !== FALSE ) array_splice( $data, $k+1, 0, 'name' ); else array_unshift( $data, 'name' ); } ## data rows to show if ( array_key_exists('show',$opt) ) switch( $opt['show'] ) { case 'all': $show = array( 'header', 'normal', 'deleted', 'linkonly', 'footer' ); break; case 'default': $show = array_unique($AttachtableShowRows); break; default: $show = array_unique( preg_split( '/\\W+/', $opt['show'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ) ); } else $show = array_unique($AttachtableShowRows); ## lookup attachment references, if necessary ## FIXME: these really ought to be cached $AttachtableReferences = array(); if ( in_array('references',$data) ) { global $LinkFunctions, $SearchPatterns, $UrlExcludeChars, $AttachtableProperReferenceLookupMaxPages, $AttachtableReferenceListPatterns; SDV( $AttachtableProperReferenceLookupMaxPages, 8 ); SDVA( $AttachtableReferenceListPatterns, array( 'limit' => '/^'.substr( $pagename, 0, strcspn($pagename,'./') ).'\./', 'recent' => $SearchPatterns['normal']['recent'] ) ); $ls = ListPages( $AttachtableReferenceListPatterns ); if ( count($ls) <= $AttachtableProperReferenceLookupMaxPages ) { $prev_LinkFunctions_Attach = $LinkFunctions['Attach:']; $LinkFunctions['Attach:'] = 'AttachtableCountUploadLinks'; foreach( $ls as $pn ) { $pg = RetrieveAuthPage( $pn, 'read', FALSE, READPAGE_CURRENT ); $html = MarkupToHTML( $pn, $pg['text'] ); } $LinkFunctions['Attach:'] = $prev_LinkFunctions_Attach; } else { foreach( $ls as $pn ) { $pg = RetrieveAuthPage( $pn, 'read', FALSE, READPAGE_CURRENT ); if ($pg) $txt = preg_replace( array( "/(\n[^\\S\n]*)?\\[([=@])(.*?)\\2\\]/s", ## preserved text '/\[\[[^\]]*?\bAttach:([^"\]\|]*)/e', ## links to attachments "/\\bAttach:([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*[^\\s.,?!$UrlExcludeChars])/e" ), ## raw attachments array( ' ', "'[['.AttachtableCountUploadLinks(\$pn,'','$1')", "AttachtableCountUploadLinks(\$pn,'','$1')" ), htmlspecialchars( $pg['text'], ENT_NOQUOTES ) ); ## assumes $MarkupFrame[0]['escape'] == 1 } } } ## check authorization $auth = array( 'upload' => 0, 'delattach' => 0, 'undelattach' => 0, 'renameattach' => 0, 'deldelattach' => 0, 'downloaddeleted' => 0 ); switch( @$opt['actions'] ) { case 'all': foreach( $auth as $n => $a ) $auth[$n] = 1; case 'none': break; default: if ( @$opt[''][0] != '*' ) { $ac = array(); foreach( $auth as $n => $a ) { $h =& $HandleAuth[$n]; if ( !array_key_exists($h,$ac) ) $ac[$h] = CondAuth( $pagename, $h ); $auth[$n] = $a || $ac[$h]; } } } if ( !$EnableUploadOverwrite ) $auth['upload'] = 0; $confirmdel = !IsEnabled( $EnableUploadVersions, 0 ); if ( $confirmdel ) $auth['delattach'] = $auth['deldelattach']; ## locations $pageurl = FmtPageName( '$PageUrl', $pagename ); $uploaddir = FmtPageName( "$UploadDir$UploadPrefixFmt", $pagename ); $uploadurl = FmtPageName( IsEnabled($EnableDirectDownload, 1) ? "$UploadUrlFmt$UploadPrefixFmt/" : "\$PageUrl?action=download&upname=", $pagename ); ## read files $filelist = array(); if ( $dirp = @opendir($uploaddir) ) { while ( ( $file = readdir($dirp) ) !== FALSE ) { if ( $file[0] == '.' ) continue; $filelist[$file] = $file; } closedir($dirp); } if ($filter) $filelist = MatchPageNames( $filelist, $filter ); ## output $restore = $deldel = $change = $rename = $delete = ''; $totalsize = $lastmod = $delcount = $dircount = 0; $out = array(); if (count( $filelist )) { usort($filelist,'AttachtableSortNameCmp'); $showfiles = in_array('normal',$show) || in_array('deleted',$show); foreach( $filelist as $file ) { $name = PUE("$uploadurl$file"); $filepath = "$uploaddir/$file"; if (!$showfiles) { $totalsize += filesize($filepath); continue; } $stat = stat($filepath); if ( is_dir($filepath) ) { ++$dircount; if ($EnableDirectDownload) { $s = ""; foreach( $data as $d ) { $d_opt = $d_txt = ''; switch($d) { case 'fileinfo': $d_txt = "
"; break; case 'name': $d_opt = " align='left'"; $d_txt = "$file/"; break; case 'filetype': case 'mimetype': $d_opt = " align='left'"; $d_txt = XL('directory'); break; case 'modtime': $lastmod = max( $lastmod, $stat['mtime'] ); $d_txt = strftime($TimeFmt, $stat['mtime']); break; } $s .= "$d_txt"; } $out[] = $s; } continue; } if (preg_match( '/^(.*?),([0-9]+)$/', $file, $delmatch )) ++$delcount; $r_opt = $s = ''; foreach( $data as $d ) { $d_opt = $d_txt = ''; switch($d) { case 'fileinfo': $d_txt = "+"; break; case 'name': $d_opt = " align='left'"; $confirm = "onclick=\"return confirm('$[Permanently delete] $file?')\""; $aopt = "rel='nofollow' class='createlink' href='$pageurl?upname=$file&action"; if ($delmatch) { if ( !in_array('deleted',$show) ) continue; $r_opt = " class='del' title='$[File removed] $dtime'"; $dname = $delmatch[1]; $dtime = strftime( $TimeFmt, $delmatch[2] ); if ($auth['undelattach']) $restore = " R '; if ($auth['deldelattach']) $deldel = " X "; if ($auth['downloaddeleted']) $dname = "$dname"; $d_txt = "$dname $restore $deldel"; } else { if ( !in_array('normal',$show) ) continue; if ($auth['upload']) $change = " Δ "; if ($auth['renameattach']) $rename = " R "; if ($auth['delattach']) $delete = ( $confirmdel ? " X " : " X " ); $d_txt = "$file $change $rename $delete"; } break; case 'size': $totalsize += $stat['size']; if ($sortable) $d_opt = " sortval='{$stat['size']}'"; $d_txt = AttachFilesizeString($stat['size']); break; case 'references': if ($delmatch) break; $c = count( @$AttachtableReferences[$filepath] ); if ($c) { $ls = array(); foreach( array_unique($AttachtableReferences[$filepath]) as $pn ) $ls[] = Keep(MakeLink( $pagename, $pn ),'L'); $d_opt = " class='reftitle'"; $d_txt = "$c
$[Referring pages:]
"; unset( $AttachtableReferences[$filepath] ); } else { $d_opt = " class='orphan'"; $d_txt = '0'; } break; case 'filetype': case 'mimetype': $d_opt = " align='left'"; $d_txt = AttachFiletype( $filepath, ($d=='mimetype') ); break; case 'modtime': $lastmod = max( $lastmod, $stat['mtime'] ); if ($sortable) $d_opt = " sortval='{$stat['mtime']}'"; $d_txt = strftime( $TimeFmt, $stat['mtime'] ); break; } $s .= "$d_txt"; } $out[] = "$s"; } } else { $s = ''; foreach( $data as $d ) { if ( $d == 'name' ) $s .= "($[no attached files])"; else $s .= ''; } $out[] = $s; } if ( in_array('linkonly',$show) && !empty($AttachtableReferences) ) { uksort( $AttachtableReferences, 'AttachtableSortNameCmp' ); foreach( $AttachtableReferences as $filepath => $refs ) { if ( dirname($filepath) != $uploaddir ) continue; if (file_exists( $filepath )) continue; $refcount = count( $refs ); if ( !$refcount ) continue; $file = basename($filepath); if ( $filter && !MatchPageNames( $file, $filter ) ) continue; $name = PUE("$uploadurl$file"); $aopt = "rel='nofollow' title='$[Upload missing file]' href='$pageurl?upname=$file&action=upload'"; if ($auth['upload']) $file = "$file  U "; $s = ""; foreach( $data as $d ) switch($d) { case 'name': $s .= "$file"; break; case 'references': $ls = array(); foreach( array_unique($refs) as $pn ) $ls[] = Keep(MakeLink( $pagename, $pn ),'L'); $s .= "$refcount
$[Referring pages:]
  • " . implode( "
  • ", $ls ) . "
"; break; default: $s .= ''; } $out[] = $s; } } $thead = $tfoot = ''; if ( in_array('header',$show) ) { $thead = ''; foreach( $data as $d ) { $d_opt = $d_txt = ''; switch($d) { case 'fileinfo': $d_opt = " class='unsortable'"; break; case 'name': $d_opt = " style='text-align:left;'"; $d_txt = XL('file name'); break; case 'size': $d_txt = XL('size (bytes)'); break; case 'references': $d_opt = " class='reftitle' title='$[references to this file, NOTE: may be incomplete]'"; $d_txt = XL('refs'); break; case 'filetype': $d_opt = " style='text-align:left;'"; $d_txt = XL('file type'); break; case 'mimetype': $d_opt = " style='text-align:left;'"; $d_txt = XL('MIME type'); break; case 'modtime': $d_txt = XL('last modified'); break; } $thead .= "$d_txt"; } $thead .= "\n"; } if ( in_array('footer',$show) ) { $fc = count($filelist) - $dircount; if ( !in_array('deleted',$show) ) $fc -= $delcount; if ($fc<0) $fc = 0; $tfoot = ''; foreach( $data as $d ) { $d_txt = ''; switch($d) { case 'name': $d_txt = '$[total] ' . ( $dircount ? "$dircount $[director".($dircount==1?'y':'ies').'], ' : '' ) . "$fc $[file".($fc==1?']':'s]'); break; case 'size': if ($totalsize) $d_txt = AttachFilesizeString($totalsize); break; case 'modtime': if ($lastmod) $d_txt = strftime( $TimeFmt, $lastmod ); break; } $tfoot .= "$d_txt"; } $tfoot .= "\n"; } $jshead = array(); if ( $auth['undelattach'] || $auth['renameattach'] ) $jshead[] = ""; if ( in_array('fileinfo',$data) ) { $jshead[] = " "; } if ($sortable) $jshead[] = ""; return preg_replace( '/\\$\\[(?>([^\\]]+))\\]/e', "XL(PSS('$1'))", implode("\n",$jshead) . "\n\n$thead$tfoot\n" . implode("\n",$out) . "\n
" ); }