(Rot13ed) # VERSION: 0.1 -- Tue, 11 Apr 2006 19:05:16 PST # ABOUT: This is little more than a little script to impliment a markup to allow a small measure of nested 'wikistyles', similar to how a sourceblock will not murder your existing wikistyle; This is the same idea. # USAGE: (:quoteblock style=STYLE :) ... (:quotend:) where STYLE is one of the below, such as: # # (:quoteblock style=quote:) # (:quotend:) # # (:quoteblock style=post:) # (:quotend:) # # (:quoteblock style=email:) # (:quotend:) # # etc. # ! The reason... # The reason for this is so you can nest wikistyles in effect, such as: # >>bgcolor=black color=red<< # This is red text on a black background. # (:quoteblock style=post:) # This text is using our div.post style which you can see below. # (:quotend:) # This is back to the red text on a black background, which is what the quote block style is all about; # >><< # # !The Logic... # This is because nesting wikistyle blocks does not work, so to get the equivalent to the above you must know what style you are in, such as: # >>bgcolor=black color=red<< # This is red text on a black background. # >>post<< # This text is using a 'post' wiki style which, seems to be using our div.post style, which is unexpected, however if you have a wikistyle defined it would seem to use that in preferance. # >>bgcolor=black color=red<< # This is back to the red text on a black background which is what the quote block style is all about; # >><< # # There is nothing wrong with the base >><< style markup (save a touch cumbersome when you have a colorful document) until you no longer know what color your text will appear in and you still want it all colored, such as when you include a colorful page into a colorful page. # # NOTE: The quoteblock style is based on the method sourceblock uses since, well, it works (= # # NOTE: also that you cannot nest quoteblocks (in effect that is nesting
tags), which is most unfortunate. # # One last little NOTE: I am very much a neophyte in regards to PHP and it is quite possible I am doing something bad here... SDV($HTMLStylesFmt['quoteblock'], " div.quote { padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid #808080; background-color: AntiqueWhite; color: Black; border: 2px solid lavender; padding: 2px; font-size: smaller; } div.email { background-color: #faebd7; color: Black; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 5px; } div.post { background-color: #faebff; color: Black; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 5px; font-size: smaller; } div.storecomment { background-color: antiquewhite; color: black; border: 2px solid darkviolet; padding: 2px; font-style: italic; font-size: smaller; } " ); function QuoteBlock($opt, $text) { $defaults = array('style' => 'quote'); $opt = array_merge($defaults, ParseArgs($opt)); return "
" . $text . "
"; } Markup("quoteblock", '