array('{$var}', "'''"))); ## If you wanted to run ''' (strong) rule and [+...+] rule (large) for [@...@] # $EscapedMarkupRules['@'] = array("'''", '[+'); ## If you wanted to run [+...+] rule for [=...=] # $EscapedMarkupRules['='] = array("[+"); # Replace [=...=] and [@...@] rules and create the new [$...$] markup rule Markup('[=','_begin',"/(\n[^\\S\n]*)?\\[([=@\$])(.*?)\\2\\]/se", "MyPreserveText(\$pagename, '$2', PSS('$3'), '$1')"); ## This function copied from PreserveText() in scripts/stdmarkup.php ## Added functionality here is the ability to run certain rules over the ## $text before it gets escaped. Also the [$...$] markup is introduced to ## allow unchanged behavior for [=...=] and [@...@] while still allowing ## markup for another escaped class. # Each of $, @, = corresponds to an entry in $EscapedMarkupRules[X]. If an # array exists with the relevant index then those rules will be run. function MyPreserveText($pagename, $sigil, $text, $lead) { global $EnableEscapedMarkup, $EscapedMarkupRules; if (IsEnabled($EnableEscapedMarkup, false) && isset($EscapedMarkupRules[$sigil]) && !empty($EscapedMarkupRules[$sigil])) { $text = RunMarkupRules($pagename, $EscapedMarkupRules[$sigil], $text); } if ($sigil=='=') return $lead.Keep($text); if (strpos($text, "\n")===false) return "$lead".Keep($text).""; $text = preg_replace("/\n[^\\S\n]+$/", "\n", $text); if ($lead == "" || $lead == "\n") return "$lead
"; return "$lead<:pre,1>".Keep($text); }