", "function:PrintText ''$[Comments]''" )); SDV($NoCommentsFmt, array( "", "function:PrintText ''$[No comments]''" )); SDV($CommentEditFmt, array("
$[Enter your comment]:

$[Author]: \$CommentButtonsFmt
", &$CommentsFooterFmt)); SDV($NewCommentButtonsFmt, " "); SDV($EditCommentButtonsFmt, " "); SDV($CommentsFooterFmt, "wiki:$[PmWiki.CommentsFooter]"); } // Initializes structures with styled content function InitCommentsStyled() { global $CommentFmt, $CommentStartFmt, $NoCommentsFmt, $CommentEditFmt, $NewCommentButtonsFmt, $EditCommentButtonsFmt, $CommentsFooterFmt; SDV($CommentFmt, array( "
", "\$Author\$Time
", "function:PrintText \$Text", "
" )); SDV($CommentStartFmt, "
"); SDV($NoCommentsFmt, "
$[No comments]
"); SDV($CommentEditFmt, array("
$[Enter your comment]:

$[Author]: \$CommentButtonsFmt
", &$CommentsFooterFmt)); SDV($NewCommentButtonsFmt, " "); SDV($EditCommentButtonsFmt, " "); SDV($CommentsFooterFmt, "wiki:$[PmWiki.CommentsFooter]"); } // aquires special params (uid & text) and initializes buttons. // useful when PatchCommentBrowseFmt() is called from outside. function BasicCommentSetup() { global $CommentText, $Author, $CommentUid, $CommentButtonsFmt, $NewCommentButtonsFmt; $CommentText = $_REQUEST['text']; SDV($Author, $_REQUEST['author']); // should I? $CommentUid = $_REQUEST['uid']; if( !isset($CommentUid) ) { // always must be not empty. $CommentUid = 0; } // edit buttons are displayed only right after posting. $CommentButtonsFmt = $NewCommentButtonsFmt; } // Handles action=comments function HandleComments( $pagename ) { global $CommentUid, $CommentButtonsFmt, $NewCommentButtonsFmt, $EditCommentButtonsFmt; if( strlen($CommentUid) > 0 ) { // uid is either 0 or md5 of something HandlePostComment($pagename); } if( strlen($CommentUid) > 1 ) { // uid is not 0 $CommentButtonsFmt = $EditCommentButtonsFmt; } else { $CommentButtonsFmt = $NewCommentButtonsFmt; } // cheat! cheat! :) PatchCommentBrowseFmt(); HandleBrowse($pagename); } // Prints out all the comments function PrintComments($pagename) { global $CommentFmt, $NoCommentsFmt, $CommentStartFmt, $TimeFmt, $Newline, $CommentsFileName; // Actually I don't know how to use Lock() function. Lock(0); $wascomment = false; if( $comfile = @fopen($CommentsFileName($pagename), "r") ) { while(!feof($comfile)) { // Note: $Newline is not stored in the comments file. $comment = explode("|",str_replace($Newline, "\n", rtrim(fgets($comfile, 4096)))); if( count($comment) == 5 ) { $com_template = $CommentFmt; // either author name or ip. Wish it was prettier :) $author = $comment[2] ? $comment[2] : $comment[1]; $com_template = str_replace("\$Author", $author, $com_template); $com_template = str_replace("\$Time", strftime($TimeFmt, $comment[3]), $com_template); $com_template = str_replace("\$Text", $comment[4], $com_template); if( !$wascomment ) { PrintFmt($pagename, $CommentStartFmt); $wascomment = true; } PrintFmt($pagename, $com_template); } } fclose($comfile); } if( !$wascomment ) { // no comments =) PrintFmt($pagename, $NoCommentsFmt); } } // Returns file name for the comments for current page // You may want to alter this function. // Then do so :) function CommentsFileName($pagename) { global $WikiDir; return $WikiDir.'/'.$pagename.".Comments"; } // Creates/updates/deletes comments function HandlePostComment( $pagename ) { global $CommentText, $CommentUid, $Author, $Now, $Newline, $CommentsFileName; // Have I said that I have no idea how does Lock() work? :) Lock(2); if( !$CommentUid ) { // new comment // note that condition is either uid is not set, empty string or numeric 0. if( !($comfile = @fopen($CommentsFileName($pagename), "a")) ) { // major total super mega crash: cannot create file. return; } // major total super mega unique id :) $CommentUid = md5(uniqid(rand(), 1)); $line = $CommentText ? join("|", array($CommentUid, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $Author, $Now, $CommentText)) : ""; fputs($comfile, str_replace("\n", $Newline, $line)."\n"); fclose($comfile); } else { // change comment // note that this assignment is exactly line the one above. // if you have any idea how to beautify this, please mail me. $line = $CommentText ? join("|", array($CommentUid, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $Author, $Now, $CommentText)) : ""; $comments = file($CommentsFileName($pagename)); if( !($comfile = @fopen($CommentsFileName($pagename), "w")) ) { return; } foreach( $comments as $idx => $cmt ) { $cmt = str_replace($Newline, "\n", rtrim($cmt)); $comment = explode("|",$cmt); if( count($comment) == 5 ) { if( $comment[0] == $CommentUid ) { $cmt = $line; $comments[$idx] = $cmt; } fputs($comfile, str_replace("\n", $Newline, $cmt)."\n"); } } } if( !$CommentText ) { $CommentUid = 0; } else { CommentsNotify($pagename); } } // Counts comments for the current page function CommentsCount($pagename) { global $CommentsFileName; $lines = 0; $comments = file($CommentsFileName($pagename)); // count($comments) is not enough: there may be empty lines foreach( $comments as $cmt ) { $comment = explode("|",rtrim($cmt)); if( count($comment) == 5 ) { $lines++; } } return $lines; } // Displays comments count. Useful in function DisplayCommentsCount($pagename) { echo CommentsCount($pagename); } // Displays comments underneath the page function PatchCommentBrowseFmt() { global $HandleBrowseFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageRedirectFmt, $PageEndFmt, $CommentEditFmt; // todo: upgrade it to find 'function:PrintText' and to // include my two lines right after it. // todo2: think over if todo1 is really needed. $HandleBrowseFmt = array(&$PageStartFmt, &$PageRedirectFmt,'function:PrintText', 'function:PrintComments', &$CommentEditFmt, &$PageEndFmt); } // Updates RecentComments pages function CommentsNotify($pagename) { global $RecentComments, $RCDelimPattern; // copy-n-paste from pmwiki.php, version 1.0.8 foreach($RecentComments as $rcfmt => $pgfmt) { $rcname=FmtPageName($rcfmt,$pagename); if (!$rcname) continue; $pgtext=FmtPageName($pgfmt,$pagename); if (!$pgtext) continue; if (@$seen[$rcname]++) continue; $rcpage = ReadPage($rcname,""); $rcelim = preg_quote(preg_replace("/$RCDelimPattern.*$/",' ',$pgtext),'/'); $rcpage['text'] = preg_replace("/[^\n]*$rcelim.*\n/","",$rcpage['text']); if (!preg_match("/$RCDelimPattern/",$rcpage['text'])) $rcpage['text'] .= "$pgtext\n"; else $rcpage['text'] = preg_replace("/([^\n]*$RCDelimPattern.*\n)/", "$pgtext\n$1",$rcpage['text'],1); WritePage($rcname,$rcpage); } } ?>