00721: Inegration with Gallery2 - picture gallery software

Summary: Inegration with Gallery2 - picture gallery software
Created: 2006-04-18 16:44
Status: Closed (Cookbook recipe)
Category: Cookbook
From: richard?
Priority: 2
Version: newest

Description: Does anybody use this awesome picture gallery software too? http://gallery.menalto.com/ It is easy to upload thousands of pictures in an hour.

If so, is there any planing of integration these 2 great pieces of software?

There is also a HowTo about integration gallery2 with other software:





I am using it but I am having trouble taking an album and placing it on a wikisite.

Would love to know an easy way to do it.


See Cookbook.EmbeddedGallery. --Petko December 20, 2007, at 05:32 PM

Has anyone got that to work with gallery2? It's all about gallery1, and even that seems to be tricky... Anke January 06, 2008, at 02:35 PM